Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 24


Country Christmas and Parade of Lights Holyoke , CO December 7th , 2015 Website : http :// www . holyokechamber . org / home / events Experience the delight of the season , small-town-style in the northeast Colorado town of Holyoke . The most popular activity of the night is the Parade of Lights , which features floats decorated according to the annual theme . There are contests for best float , tree and window display . Children can give their wish lists to Santa at the Vets club where the local fire fighters serve up a hot chili supper .
Night of Lights in Gunnison Main Street , Gunnison , CO December 4th , 2015 Website : http :// www . gunnisoncrestedbutte . com / event / nightlights Gunnison ’ s historic downtown lights up for the holidays each December as well . Bonfires will warm your tootsies and hot cocoa will warm everything else , while an art walk and live entertainment . Some of the activities include a contest for best lighted displays , bonfires for roasting marshmallows and warming up along the way , booths for hot cocoa and other free treats , and local entertainment groups at various downtown venues . Santa will arrive at 6:30 p . m ., escort the crowd to the community tree lighting , and greet children at the Elk ’ s Lodge .
Denver Parade of Lights Downtown Denver , CO December 4 – 5th , 2015 Website : http :// denverparadeoflights . com / Begin your holiday season at the spectacular 41st Annual Parade of Lights . The two-mile parade route in Downtown Denver is the stage for Colorado ’ s brightest holiday tradition . The free holiday event features marching bands , floats , Santa and of course lights ! Arrive early so you can claim your spot to watch the impressive floats , festive marching bands , diverse dancing groups and local celebrities take over the streets of downtown . If you aren ’ t up to braving the cold weather , you can always watch it broadcast on 9NEWS !
Lighting of Breckenridge Breckenridge , CO December 5th , 2015 Website : http :// www . gobreck . com / events Activities include holiday carols sung by the Summit Choral Society , a Race of the Santas starting on Breckenridge ’ s Main Street , lighting of the trees , a Bernese Mountain Dog Parade , and Santa visits the Barney Ford Museum . Grand Junction Parade of Lights Downtown , Grand Junction , CO December 5th , 2015 Time : 5:00 – 7:00 PM Website : https :// downtowngj . org / signature-events / paradeoflights / Historic Downtown Grand Junction celebrates 30 years of the Parade of Lights with more than 100 lighted floats from local organizations , businesses , performers and youth groups . Make sure you show up early for the Winter Festival starting at 11:00 AM to purchase holiday goodies and crafts .
Leadville Parade of Lights Leadville , CO December 5th , 2015 Ambling down Harrison Avenue in Leadville , floats depict a variety of popular holiday tunes and Santa and Mrs . Claus ride in the parade to the Lake County Courthouse , where they will visit with kids , listen to Christmas wish lists and pose for photos . Area businesses are competing in a holiday decorating contest , so the whole city sparkles for the occasion .
Festival of Lights Parade Colorado Springs , CO December 5th , 2015 Downtown Colorado Springs is the place to be for the 31st annual parade and lighting ceremony . Floats , highschool marching bands , groups on horseback and Santa Claus himself bring the holiday spirit at this family favorite .
30th Annual Children ’ s Hospital Toy Run Sunday , December 6th , 2015 2885 W . County Line Road , Littleton , CO 80129 9:00 AM Website : http :// www . rockymountainhd . com Help bring a smile to a child ’ s face , please see the website for more information . Line up begins at 9:00 am and all bikes must be ready by 10:00 am . The ride leaves at 11:00 am . The ride fee is 1 new unwrapped toy to be donated to the kids at Children ’ s Hospital . Riders may pre-register at any Denver Metro Harley-Davidson dealers .
Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs . San Diego December 6th , 2015 Time : 2:05 PM , Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 11:30 AM if weather permits ( 970 ) 584-6315 ccep9401 @ gmail . com Glicks 1018 Mahogany Way Severance Description : Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down ! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado . We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride , weather depending . If we cannot ride , we will meet at that week ’ s location . There will be prizes , give aways and fun for all .

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