Thunder Roads Colorado Magazine Volume 11 Issue 2 | Page 22


Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs . Packers November 1st , 2015 6:30 PM , Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 4:00 PM if weather permits ( 970 ) 584-6315 ccep9401 @ gmail . com Glicks 1018 Mahogany Way Severance Description : Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down ! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado . We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride , weather depending . If we cannot ride , we will meet at that week ’ s location . There will be prizes , give aways and fun for all .
Veterans Appreciations BBQ November 7th , 2015 11:00am-12:30pm Website : http :// www . outposthd . com 5001 N Elizabeth St , Pueblo , CO 81008 ( 719 ) 542-6032 The Veterans Appreciations BBQ will be held at Outpost Harley Davidson in Pueblo , Colorado on November 7th , 2015 . Food ! Drinks ! Come on out and have a great time while supporting our veterans !
Free Pancake Breakfast at Mile High Harley Davidson November 7th , 2015 9:30 AM 16565 E . 33rd Drive , Aurora , CO 80011 ( 303 ) 343-3300 Website : http :// www . milehigh-harley . com / events / The Free Pancake Breakfast starting at 9:30 AM until they are gone . It will be held at Mile High Harley Davidson in Aurora , Colorado
Chili Cook Off for Vet Center November 7th , 2015 2747 Crossroads Blvd , Grand Junction ,
CO 81506 ( 970 ) 245-0812 Website : http :// www . gjharley . com The Chili Cook Off for Vet Center will be held at Grand Junction Harley Davidson . Please see the website for additional information .
Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs . Indianapolis November 8th , 2015 2:25 PM , Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 12:00 PM if weather permits ( 970 ) 584-6315 ccep9401 @ gmail . com Windjammer Roadhouse 3431 n CR 31 Loveland Description : Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down ! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado . We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride , weather depending . If we cannot ride , we will meet at that week ’ s location . There will be prizes , give aways and fun for all .
Mile High Performance Workshop November 14th , 20151:00 PM 16565 E . 33rd Drive , Aurora , CO 80011 ( 303 ) 343-3300 Website : http :// www . milehigh-harley . com / events / The Mile High Performance Workshop will be held at Mile High Harley Davidson in Aurora , Colorado on November 14th , 2015 . Come on out and learn how to enhance the performance of your bike ! Workshop is at 1:00pm
It ’ s Chilly Outside Chili Cook-off November 14th , 2015 2302 Devereux Road , Glenwood Springs , CO 81601 ( 330 ) 721-1702 Website : http :// www . dochollidayharley . com The It ’ s Chilly Outside Chili Cookoff will be held at Doc Holliday Harley Davidson in Glenwood Springs , Colorado on
November 14th , 2015 . Show off your best chili recipe and win a gift card on us ! See website for additional information .
Watch Football with Northern Colorado Biker Down – Broncos Vs . Kansas City November 15th , 2015 2:25 PM , Meet at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson at 12:00 PM if weather permits ( 970 ) 584-6315 ccep9401 @ gmail . com Outriders 5750 w 10th Greeley Description : Come watch the Broncos game with Northern Colorado Biker Down to win prizes and have some fun and support Northern Colorado Biker Down ! Join us every Sunday during the Denver Football Season and help us raise money and awareness for injured bikers in Northern Colorado . We will met at Thunder Mountain Harley Davidson roughly two and a half hours before every game for a short ride , weather depending . If we cannot ride , we will meet at that week ’ s location . There will be prizes , give aways and fun for all .
Chili Cook Off and Holiday Toy and Food Drive November 21st , 2015 11:00 AM 16565 E . 33rd Drive Aurora , CO Website : http :// www . denverharleydealer . com / Drop off your Toy and Food Donations all week ! Can you take the heat ? Join us for an exciting Chili Cook Off and a Holiday Toy / Food Drive . Bring you best Chili and a new Toy for the KIds and some canned food goods .
Annual Turkey Fry and Toy Drive for Toys for Tots November 21st , 2015 11:00 AM ( 800 ) 955-0255 Website : http :// www . greeleyhd . com Come join us for a Thanksgiving feast and to donate some toys for those less fortunate . Our Annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive
20 Thunder Roads Magazine ® Colorado November 2015 www . thunderroadscolorado . com