Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 27
1811 Society
Mary Virginia Yates Allard*
Hebron Adams*
Irving and Charlotte Backman
Pauline Smith Bough*
Leo E. and Kathie A. Bourgeault
Fred and Connie* Clark
Cathy Coff man and Richard Buhr
Stevan Cote
Vangel and Ericka Cotsis
Philip B. Curtis
Dr. Brian K. Dallaire
Earl Dawley
Peter J. and Nancy Diakos
Ernest* and Laura E. Harmon* Ekengren
Roy and Maryllyn Rumery Fairfi eld
Dr. Roland Fogg
Helen Martin Freise*
Gerard M. Gaudette
Marianne Holt Gillis*
Robert and Susan* Gowen
Joyce D. Haley
Herberta L. Harriman*
John L. Hewes*
John and Robin Hoyt
Leonard G. Johnson
William and Mary Atkinson Johnson
A.William and Anne Baker Kany, Jr.
John and Leslie Haas Koelsch
John W*. and Marlene Grant Lombard
Karen B. Lovell
Susanne Robinson McNamara
Rene M. and Lisa Menard
Muriel Th ompson Nado
Ronald P. Nason
Erin Nelson
James E. and Kathleen Huot Nelson
Wallace and Jane Walker Nutting
Richard M. and Janine Bertrand Parker
Russell L. and Betsey P. Pray
Bernard and Elsie Pitman* Prescott
Eric A. and Kathryn Purvis
Kirk and Abby Graff am Purvis
Pamela Roberts and Scott McInturff
Th eodore Sawyer*
Anne Ridley Scigliano*
Raymond E. Shorey
Rachel Whipple Small
Madeleine Snow
Carl J. and Barbara Stasio, Jr.
Michael and Susan Grenier Strout
Stanley and Mary Ladd Tucker
Milton* and Joan Vachon Victor
Agnes Ann Walsh
Erwin C. and Yvette* Warren
* denotes deceased
Why join the 1811 Society?
Support the future of Th ornton Academy
When one gets older
there is a thought
process, which asks the
question of giving back to the
most important infl uences
in one’s life. I had a degree
of success in my life and in
one form or another I wished
to pay back the someone or
something that helped me.
Th e fi rst and foremost reason
was my mom. She struggled to bring me to the United States
and worked hard to raise and educate me and I cannot
overestimate how strongly she felt about education so I
could have opportunities in the future.
Th e fi rst non-family infl uence was the Saco school system.
What I remember most was my four years at Th ornton
Academy. I may not have been the best student, but I
absorbed so much from my teachers. I found that lessons I
learned were invaluable to me in the future.
Th e friends that I made have been enduring throughout
the decades and continue this very moment. I learned so
much more than I can express. Giving to the 1811 Society
was an easy decision and one I will continue to honor in the
coming years."
Peter Diakos, Class of 1959
1811 Society Membership can take one
or more forms depending upon your
estate planning needs:
charitable gift annuities
charitable remainder trusts
charitable lead trusts and more.
Benefi ts of 1811 Society membership include
a complimentary admission pass to TA home
athletic games, performing arts events, and
invitations to select receptions at the Headmaster’s
House. If you are interested in learning more
about the 1811 Society, please contact :
Associate Head for Advancement John Ritzo
[email protected]