Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 26

IN MEMORIAM Th e names of the deceased below have been received by Th ornton Academy since Postscripts was last published. We rely on friends and family to send us obituaries (especially for alumni who live outside of Maine) by mail or through a form on our website: 1936 1938 1940 1941 1944 1945 1947 1948 1948 1948 1950 1951 1952 1952 1953 1953 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 1955 1956 1956 1956 1956 1957 1958 1958 1959 1959 1959 1960 1967 1967 1970 1978 1978 2011 Roy Fairfi eld in January 2018 Lorraine Rowell Johnson in October 2017 Betty Scammon Dyer in May 2018 Bina Sawyer in May 2018 Helen Vlahakos in February 2018 Alice Hadiaris Collette in November 2017 Irene Mitchell in September 2018 Alan Grant in April 2018 George Mapes, Jr. in June 2018 Harriet Larkin Wilson in February 2018 Richard Armstrong in February 2018 Patricia Pelletier Dionne in October 2017 Walter Choroszy in October 2017 Sybil Kelleher Ober in September 2017 Jeannine Cloutier Bruner in December 2017 Jeanne Caron LeBarge in May 2018 Donald McIver in October 2017 Anne Ridley Scigilano in November 2017 Lawrence Th ompson in October 2017 Gladys (Betty) Berry Deering in July 2018 Edward Ross in August 2018 Norman Tripp in August 2018 Lee Cheney in March 2018 Sheila Mogan Godbout in March 2018 Ruel Ricker in March 2018 Carlyne Cole Yankura in June 2018 Janet Barbeau Wright in February 2018 Ronald Blow in May 2018 Marguerite Clark Gardner in August 2018 Donna Gallagher in July 2018 Bruce Ruben in April 2018 Richard Walls in April 2018 Bertram Harriman in September 2017 Carol Rabisauckas Levesque in December 2017 Elizabeth Bonang Tardif in January 2018 Kurt Rosell in March 2018 Cliff ord Phillips in January 2018 Russell Mondor in February 2018 Eric MacDonald in August 2018 Th ornton Academy receives numerous memorial donations each year recognizing members of the TA community who have passed away. Th ank you to all who choose to remember loved ones in this way. If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one, please contact the TA Development Offi ce at 207-602- 4456 or visit 26 ROY FAIRFIELD CLASS OF 1936 Roy Phillip Fairfi eld '36 passed away on January 22, 2018 at the age of 99. Fairfi eld was the Saco Town Historian and was active with the 1811 Society and involved with alumni activities at Th ornton Academy. Th e Dyer Library named Th e Roy P. Fairfi eld Maine History Room aft er him and allowed him to house his personal papers and historical documents of the city. Fairfi eld organized the documents so that other researchers could access information about the town history all the way back to its founding. He was the author of two local histories of Saco, Maine: Sands, Spindles and Steeples and Compass Points. He also authored two novels about Maine: Amanda's Cove and Of Lobstering and Love; three books of poetry: Angles of Vision, Doing It Over and Seaside Fables and was editor of the student edition of Th e Federalist Papers as well as many manuscripts, monographs and book chapters on education and public aff airs. Aft er graduating from Th ornton Academy, Fairfi eld received his bachelor's degree from Bates College, and his MA in American History and PhD in the History of American Civilization from Harvard. He went on to achieve a long and meaningful career as an educator across the country and served as the president and board member of numerous non- profi ts. Fairfi eld is survived by his wife, Maryllyn '36, his daughter Donna and her partner Jane, and his sister Nancy Fairfi eld Rumery.