Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 28

THORNTON ACADEMY ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 Continuing support of the Th ornton Fund and the Athletic Complex Capital Campaign was the primary focus of fundraising eff orts this fi scal year. Participation matters most, and together our gift s of every size make a huge impact on the lives of our students. Donations to the Th ornton Fund provide breakfast and lunch to students in need, maintain the school’s commitment to a STEM curriculum, increase academic and extracurricular off erings, invigorate the arts, and support championship level athletics. Gift s to the Athletic Complex Capital Campaign will help us with the renovation of Linnell Gymnasium and the construction of a fi eld house – allowing us to address the competitive and recreational needs of our students and the greater Saco community. Thank you for investing in our future! Students from Team "Carrier Morse Zayac" celebrate a Dorm Olympic win. In preparing this report, every eff ort has been made to accurately recognize our supporters. All gift s received by the Development Offi ce between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 are listed in this report. Please inform of us of any errors or omissions by calling 207-602-4456. If your class does not have a class agent and you would like to learn more about this role, please contact Giselle Tardiff '90 at 207-602-4456 or giselle.tardiff 28