The third dam
wall is locat-
ed next to the
Thornhill Road
bridge, restab-
lishing a dam
that was there
some years ago.
We already no-
ticed a marked
increase in
bird-life in and
around the
dams. So, not
only do they
serve a critical
purpose of correcting and limiting erosion, they are beautiful, tranquil
areas to just sit, observe and appreciate the natural beauty around us.
The only thing left now is to keep watering the slopes to ensure that
enough grass grows to establish these banks before the first big storm!
We are grateful to everyone involved in this project, people who have
offered financial contributions but also those who have contributed
endless hours in consulting, planning, managing and executing the
work. For now, the 2018 season is complete, but we have already start-
ed planning the 2019 dry season. We would like to continue building
more dam walls at shorter intervals in between the current structures,
which will eventually manage to control the deluge of water washing
through the watercourse in the summer season.
If residents have any questions or comments, please direct them to
Linda in the office, who will gladly forward it through to the Gardens &