Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 28

M OV E R S & S H A K E R S How important is it to merge content with commerce? To me, it’s crucial. Commerce is about convenience and content is about giving context to why you shop. Shoptiques is all about cultivating the boutique experience, so it is important to provide the customer with content around that experience. How can Shoptiques recreate the experience of shopping in Paris in Marais? All through content: we utilize videos: interviews with boutique owners, profiles of stores and neighborhoods, articles and advice how-tos. This allows our customers to feel like they are physically present shopping in Paris even though they are on Shoptiques is a platform that promotes discovery and exploration. you can offer a very personalized differentiated experience as a competitive advantage. Online enables you to have enormous amount of information that you never had before and the merge between online and offline allows retailers to optimize that data for in-store experiences as well. I think it is an incredible time for the retail industry. Lots of change is happening and it is always fun to be part of that transition! We, at Shoptiques, sit right in the middle of Online and Offline. We feature over 150 local boutiques with real offline presence, yet all of the items they sell are very differentiated and you can't find them anywhere else except in physical boutiques or on our site. That's a powerful position to be in as we avoid competing on price with other large retailers. How are boutiques chosen? Do you Have you   found your dual cultural seek them out or are they finding upbringing aided in any way to making Shoptiques a success? you? We receive high number of inquiries from boutiques worldwide every day, but have reject the majority of the stores because they don’t fit our uniqueness of clothing and/or quality standards. We really want our customers to enjoy their experience at the actual boutiques if they ever visit a particular city and stop by the boutique. Outside of inbound inquiries, our largest team at Shoptiques is focused on boutiques. They are constantly out and about finding local gems. We speak to local trendsetters and boutique shoppers to find the best of the best and read publications that focus on identifying the best local shopping destinations. It is much more of an art than a science. Once a boutique has been identified as the one we want, we reach out over the phone/email/in person to the owner and sign them up to join. After tha