Third Wave Fashion // AUGUST 2013 | Page 27

M OV E R S & S H A K E R S OLGA VIDISHEVA Shoptiques Shoptiques is an online curated marketplace bringing one of a kind merchandise from small boutiques from around the world to one convenient online home. Using a mixture of relevant editorial content and social shopping features, the company helps its community of style conscious consumers discover not only new stores but new shopping-focused neighborhoods across the country.  Just this past month Shoptiques launched a new feature on its website called #shopstagram. is live feed of Instagram pictures from boutiques and members of the community are tagged and made shoppable so that customers can buy items as soon as products arrive in stores.  A potent mix of discovery based shopping, content + commerce integration, community building, and cultivation of a highly curated marketplace makes Shoptiques a startup on the leading edge of fashion tech. We reached out to the company’s Founder, Olga Vidisheva, to discover more. What inspired you to create Shoptiques? It all started with a shoe in Paris…. Walking down the streets of Paris, you can’t help but be fascinated by the fashion, architecture, style and… boutiques! That was really my first exposure to a tiny boutique with the friendliest, most stylish owner. It was years ago, but I remember stumbling upon it as if it was yesterday—and once the owner pointed out a pair of shoes by Phoebe Cham Pour Schu, I knew I couldn’t leave empty-handed! Sitting in their beautiful box with a handcrafted bow, they became the perfect memory to take from Paris.… And take I did! Upon my return, all of my friends wanted these shoes. The perfect combination of comfort and high fashion – they were in high demand. Unfortunately, the boutique owner weren’t receptive to commerce over the phone, insisting instead, my friends flying to Paris to get the shoes. I was shocked! In the 21st century, my friends weren’t able to get shoes from Paris! I knew I needed to change that! Then later while attending Harvard Business School, my girlfriends and I would drive to New York almost every weekend to go boutique shopping in Soho or Lower East Side. I again was shocked that we had to drive four hours to find these items and couldn’t just purchase them online. These stores didn’t have any online presence. Boutique shopping brings with it an amazing experience: beautiful hard-tofind, hand-selected fashion and knowledgeable style advice from the owners who know how to make you look beautiful and unique. // 26