Theyyam theyyam final corrected | Page 31

‘We are born to resist’ - Liana Badr “ The whole of Palestine population is resisting Nidhin Nath k A MA Masscommunication Pondicherry University “ Israel, and I am with my pen... Every Palestinian is born to fight against the imperialism of Israel. The whole of Palestine population is resisting Israel, and I am with my pen, says famous poet Liana Badr. Every Palestinian is living in his own land as a refugee for more than a half century or six and a half decade. They have never been able to live in peace. My dream, like every Palestinian, is a day where we can live in peace. `Unless the invasion stops in Gaza, this dream will never come true. Gaza is a small country 70 km along the Mediterranean Sea. 40 percentage of Gaza has already comes under Israel. Their aim is to invade our country. Already half crore people are living as refugees in their own country. There would be no people who live like this in their own country, anywhere in the globe. We need the support of the countries all over the world to fight this. Her words showed regret of not getting the support they deserve. She added that UN has to produce veto and start procedures to throw out Israel in content of continued attack in Gaza. She says that she is not able to go to Jerusalem which is 1.5 km away from the place she lives (Ramella). Israel army is forbidding her to visit her birthplace. She says, that they are losing lots to family and friends. This situation is painful. But the world community tends not talk about this issue. Nations should be ready to ban Israel. The country Israel itself was put up win the land of Palestine. We want the Palestine before the war of 1967 retuned to us. Even without any army for such a struggle Palestine shall continue to fight. The people of the world are with us, it only have different governments that have to take a stand, many had already done in favour of Israel. And hence this struggle to live in peace in our country shall take a longer pam. But we are in no plan to go back. We are in a situation to be afraid of the air that coming from Israel, because it may contain weapon too. Every time men and children face death, new orphans are born along. But this Martyrdom shall empower the struggle to live in own land, believes Liana Badr Poetry, novels ad films are ways to tackle with imperial invasions and my pen shall showed strong strongly move against Israel says Badr. Liana had showed her strong condemn against Israel through the films like Jarusalem, fadwa: a tale of Palestinian poetess, Gates are open sometimes…etc. Theyyam 31