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Blocking at the Entrance:Need of Reform in Viva-voce Examination of JNU Nitheesh Narayanan Mphil Scholar JNU Heated debates and discussions are going on in JNU on the reduction of marks in the Viva-voce of the M.phil entrance examination for a few years. A committee has been formed to look into the merit of the matter at the demand of students’ union to reduce the marks from 30 to 15. Since the committee has not submitted its final report, the last academic council meeting, where the decisions regarding any academic reform will be taken, has decided to hold a special academic council meeting only to discuss this matter before the end of ongoing semester. This special meeting is scheduled to be held on 23rd of December. It is unprecedented and can be seen as an exhibition of the intensity the matter has gained. Students are raising some other demands also related to the Viva-voce along with the reduction of the marks, such as proper division of marks, permitting SFC (student-faculty committee) members to sit in the Viva as observers, ensure SC/ST/OBC faculties in the Viva board etc. This is an attempt to see the way discrimination takes place in JNU with referring to a particular case. Reaching at the stage of higher education itself is a struggle for the marginalized groups in India. Various kinds of discrimination and different forms of obstacles await them in every stage. What happens if they make to higher education system will also expose some other stories of caste based discrimination. This article focus on how discrimination attains its space in the process of ‘entrance’ itself. A lot has already been said about how caste plays a regressive role prior to it and also after to it. What is Viva-voce? Viva-voce is an examination in interview form as part of the entrance examination to the research programmes in JNU. It consists of 30% of the total marks of the entrance examination. Only those who satisfy the eligibility criteria in the written examination will be called for Viva-voce. The same faculties who prepared the question paper for the written examination is more or less the same group which consists Viva panel. The final result of the students selected for admission will be prepared by compiling both written and Viva marks. All the empirical data, related to Viva-voce, used for this article are received through different RTI applications filled in Jawaharlal Nehru University. Theyyam 32