Theyyam theyyam final corrected | Page 30

q ) How is it ?
Where you work with communities and social issues Many different approaches in social theatre . Mainly is about open questions and highlight social issues through theatre to make people reflect on it within an interactive theatre and / or social gathering . All our social theatre approaches bases on several drama therapy conditions , especially when work with specific communities or groups and create with them theatre performances .
q ) Taking art as a political proposition , how do you watch the present political atmosphere of Lebanon with March 8 coalition and March 14 coalition in rule and opposition ?
This kind of binary coalitions does not take place in Lebanon anymore , it took different shapes . But in general , we do not belong as individuals as a group to any of the political parties that now exists in Lebanon which is basically based on religious sectarian backgrounds . We don ’ t believe and belong to anything that makes us with any religious identity . We are secular in that sense . Our gathering is not based on political ideology , But on human secular basis .
q ) So where do u stand in the politics of Lebanon ?
We don ’ t follow even secularism as an ideology . It is a way of creating a common alternative space between all conflictual communities , an alternative space of critical thinking .
q ) How you look upon the issues / situation with your neighbour ’ s Syria , Palestine and Israel the intervention of Arab into it . How it affects your nation ?
As we are not ideological in that sense , but as we have our political positions and concerns , we are against injustice , occupation is unjust and dictatorship is unjust and violating civilians is unjust and as we believe that violence and killing are not ways of communication we position ourselves against all powers that adopt such tools , either in Lebanon , Syria or Palestine . Our new project will be based on the idea of social transfigurations , it will be a theatre performance that w the different figures in society which become a subject of rejection or acceptance in society because of their difference in their physical appearance , social habits , believes , sexual orientation , or identity . The performance will be opened to the public on November 2017 .
Q ) What about the present scenario of protest in Lebanon especially in Beirut ?
Corruption , public spaces , taxes , electoral law and women rights Salaries
q ) How is the intensity of protest ?
Not following deeply . It is hopeful but not sure of any achievement like Arab spring and all
Theyyam 30