theTifosi Case Study Nichiha Case Study | Page 3

Case Study | [email protected] | THE PROCESS CULTURE ASSESSMENT This is the hard part. Getting a real world, objective view of what it’s like to work at Nichiha, why people stay, why they leave, what the love, what they hate and what keeps them up at night. This involved individual interviews, focus groups, panel discussions with leaders, managers and workers. Over 60 participants, 120 hours of research, including every location and tenures from one month to 30 years. CREATIVE DESIGN With the insights we designed unique and authentic ways of communicating the Nichiha Culture. Most fundamentally, we saw a strong pattern of entrepreneurship and pride from a core group of associates working together across cultures. These core concepts were used to develop the Culture Canvas and Culture Manifesto with leadership. These documents are an authentic articulation of the heart and soul of the organization. EXECUTION + CAMPAIGN A compelling message and one time event doesn’t have lasting impact nor will it sustain culture. Instead, we provided a strategic communication campaign, starting with the initial rollout at the national meeting. Through various platforms, print, digital, and social we provide a cadence that reinforces the message that these concepts are a part of everyday life at Nichiha. Attention is the most powerful engagement incentive now, so we empowered employees to form a “Culture Committee” to partner and take ownership in the process. 3