NEVER Trust an Employer or It’s Bosses Once earned, never take someone's trust for granted. The challenge is engaging leadership to evoke this spirit. Not only throughout their workforce. But with their customers, suppliers, and the community! In order to gain employees’ trust, employers need to address their wide-ranging needs as human beings, including their overall health and well-being. By improving employee health, employers can increase productivity, boost morale, and garner mutual trust. Why do bosses treat their employees like (for the want of a better word) ‘shit’ ?!? I don’t have the answer to that question. If you do have the answer to that question, feel free to drop me the answer. This is just a story of what’s happening in the world we live in. I need to make it clear that what I mean here is not how corporate treat their employees, but how a boss as a person is treating their employees. This thought came to me when I first moved back to England which was 7 years ago after living in East Africa for around 30 years. I was “fortunate” enough to see that there are a lot of people treat their employees in a really bad way. What I mean by bad way is that they really get treated like ‘shit’. In East Africa, most middle up class family has domestic helpers or house employees (In the Empire days these were called servants). Some of them get treated well (one of my domestic helpers has worked for me for over 20 years, so I guess I treat her right), but some has to coped with verbal abuse (yes, swear words) and physical abuse every day. Everyone has a limit. Once the employee can’t take it anymore, he or she will quit. Guess what happens next? I hear the same people who abuse their servants, complain how life is difficult without having servants. Naturally they look for a replacement. This is the part that I don’t get. Are you ready for this? Here we go, once they find a replacement, they start the old habit again, they abuse their new servant. They go back to square one. Why the f##k people do this? Are they f##king stupid? No, they’re not, because a lot of them are rich and running successful business (among other things that prove that they’re not an idiot). This is why I wonder why some bosses treat their employees like ‘shit’. dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 5 of 11