NEVER Trust an Employer or It’s Bosses There are those who motives authenticate their true concern for the good of the people while there are others who have chosen such responsibility for selfish reasons. But is this enough to judge every new opportunity based on wrongly attempts of others in the past? The truths is we as human no matter the category, either professionally or personally are generally insecure due to either our own past choices, mistakes and experiences. And we often adapt to such culture and mentality, finding it hard to embrace change even when we have been provided a fresh and better opportunity. It’s really fairly simple. At the basis is the fundamental tension between employers and employees. Wages are recognized as a major cost of doing business, and a cost that can be more easily addressed than materials, utilities, and other factors that are in others' control. This of course is detrimental to a major driver of employees - compensation. Public corporations simply do not have the same obligation to their employees as to their shareholders, and to say anything to the contrary is at best naive and at worst a lie. You'll hear talk from corporate leadership about how the greatest capital in their organization is human capital but I'm afraid that's simply posturing, aside from the very few creators in the organization who may merit such praise. By and large employees are a commodity of greater and lesser unit value, and there's a regional and global market in this commodity just like there is for oranges or metals. Put things in that perspective and the tension make sense. Platinum doesn't care what is value per ounce is, but a human does. The legal and cultural environment also has created an ambience in which employees can hold employers more accountable, or at least expose employer activities that may be viewed to be less than compassionate, charitable, etc., so employers take great pains through HR policies, internal and external propaganda engines and other practices to mask their true motivations and activities. This in turn creates an environment in which trust is all but nonexistent and in general an adversarial relationship prevails, which is not at all surprising. I think that the question here is: Do employees trust the company's leadership? These are uncertain times and workers who don't trust the way the organization is run will simply leave their jobs. Simple! The company's leadership must reflect transparency when changes happen, the ability to communicate these changes, listening to feedback, conducting business with honesty and integrity, treating employees with respect, giving moral support, good ethics and openness to diversity or change. In short, lack in one or more of these will result to mistrust. Trust usually has to be earned over time by keeping one's word, by acting with their best interest in mind and heart, by being consistent and respectful. (Do corporations have hearts? I was told they are people). dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 4 of 11