NEVER Trust an Employer or It’s Bosses Naturally the same thing happens all over again, and again and again. I really hope these people learn from their mistakes, not only for the sake of their live, but also for the sake of their future employees. The same thing applies to the big boys (corporate) out there. We have to understand that we need our employees regardless of their job title. They can be a CEO, manager, salesperson, servant or a driver, we need these people. Think about it for a while, what if your main salesperson leaves your company, sales will drop; company’s income will go down. I don’t think any of us want this to happen. There is no different between a servant and a sales champion. We need these people! We probably don’t think about servant as much as our sales champion, because a servant doesn’t really affect your company financially. However he/she does affect your personal live. Saying all that, we need to keep the balance between treating our employee right and taking a tough decision from time to time. I’m not telling you to treat your worst sales people or your servants who you caught stealing right. Obviously we can’t keep them as employees. What’s fair is fair. This is just a thought by the way. In no mean I want to teach anyone how to run their business or life. You may agree or disagree with me (feel free to drop an opinion). Do I treat my employee right? Yes I do (I asked all my employees in the past). However, I ask you “Do you”? Then “Why do bosses treat their employees like ‘shit’?!?” I didn’t have the answer to why a lot of bosses treat their employees like shit. I would also like to share what could be the answer to that question. Again you may agree or disagree, but feel free to share your thought. To answer the question, let me tell you why I think Sir Richard Branson’s should get a first post as a good employer. A few years back when I used to Roadie during holidays, I had a chance to have a chat with one of Virgin Music’s staff about his big boss (at that time, Richard Branson still owned Virgin Music). Long before I met that guy, I heard stories about Richard Branson. One of the stories is about his principle in treating his employees. He believes that in order a company can be successful; a company needs to make sure that their employees are happy working for their bosses. His logic is very simple, if the staffs are happy, they will work to their maximum capacity for the company they work for, therefore the result will be a good one. Really and simple; It isn’t rocket science! He also knows that the only way to make sure that happens is by treating his employees’ right. In fact if I’m not mistaken, he will put his staffs before his customers. dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 6 of 11