Customers don’t Really Understand Retail Workers THEY HAVE TO BE POLITE NO MATTER WHAT No matter how rude or mean a customer is being, the sales associates are taught to be nice. This is, at times, one of the most frustrating parts of the job. When someone is very publicly yelling at you, berating you and calling you names, it’s very difficult to stand there and apologize for whatever the issue is even when it’s not your fault. You have to paste that smile on your face and use a calm, cool and collected tone while you ask the irate customer what you can do to make everything better for them. Without a doubt, there are cashiers or associates who will snap and argue back and they are nearly always reprimanded for it or may even lose their job. MANY ARE PUNISHED FOR NOT SELLING ADD-ON ITEMS I knew an associate who worked at a particular store (which I will not name), they had to sell warranties on all electrical products of the items that were purchased. If they didn’t sell a warranty on at least 40% of their items every day, the following steps were taken:  A verbal warning  A written warning  They had to write an essay detailing what they were doing wrong and what they will do to achieve the goals set out for them  They had to stay past the end of their shift until their percentage reached the level that was required (which could often result in working a double shift). If they failed to reach 40% for the month for 3 months in a row, they were automatically terminated. The same types of policies are in place at multiple stores. At a chain store that sells girls accessories, they are expected to sell 6 items in every sale. If they fail to average 6 items per sale, they don’t get their annual raise. So when the cashier tries to push extra items on you, trust me, they know it’s annoying and they feel stupid doing it, but it's their job, so don't yell at them for it. I don’t like trying to pressure people into a purchase and neither do most other retail workers, but they don’t like being punished either. dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 7 of 9