Customers don’t Really Understand Retail Workers THEY DEAL WITH IRATE CUSTOMERS ALL DAY I am not exaggerating at all when I say there are days when it seems like everyone in the world is having the worst day ever and their scapegoat of choice is whatever store associate they happen to come across. There are a lot of college educated retail workers out there who get talked down to like they are idiots by customers who automatically assume they are stupid. I have been called any number of names; I have seen a half hour long confrontation with a woman who refused to believe anything a shop floor assistant said because of his age, she was adamant that he didn’t know anything because he was half her age. She wanted him to take exclusive products (watch collection) out of the normally locked cabinet. He told her he could show her 3 articles at a time and that it was company policy not to leave the entire open cabinet open and exposed. She said, and I quote, “Well you’re obviously an idiot. Hold old are you; 12? Only an ‘efing idiot would think I’d try to steal a cheap gold watch.” After five solid minutes of name calling he asked her to leave several times and another shop assistant went and got security when the woman attempted to slap him because he told her she needed to leave the store. While you may feel that you're having a bad day and something about your cashier, associate or clerk may irk you, please don’t take out all of your frustrations on them, they don’t deserve it. THEY DON’T MAKE THE MERCHANDISE YOU BUY At every single place I’ve ever worked, I have had several customers yell at me because something broke, didn’t fit correctly, was manufactured wrong or they damaged it in some way. In most retail stores (unless it is a locally owned store with handmade products), the goods are manufactured by companies unrelated to the store. No one who works at Primark is making the clothing, so if it rips or tears, why would you go back to the store and yell at the sales associate? This may s ound ridiculous to you (and it is), but I assure you it happens EVERY day. dodie ste®eo p®odu©tion ™ Page 6 of 9