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over of your bodies and tasted of My pain , which has become word over the earth , and then you remained for the truth between heaven and earth , while all others are emptiness and wind . I have become one spirit and then one work with you at your table of feast , and today it is My trumpet , Verginica , who has come with those who have waited in the dwelling of the dead for the light of the glory of My day and for the resurrection of everything that wait for My glory and for My salvation . Amen , amen , amen .
– Oh , suffering Lord , we served You for Your pain and we were good , and we served you with our clean hearts , for You had suffered before . You came from the Father being aggrieved , when You were born of the Virgin for the man , and You had spent Your time on the earth in sufferings , in sufferings You showed Your work over those who received You , and in sufferings You gave Yourself as a sacrifice for those who had no love in them on the earth , and in sufferings You also came to life and appeared to us to make us rejoice over Your pain in us , after You had put within us the mercy for You , Lord . The faith and the sufferance for Your pains were left to us as a memorial , and Your saints established us as a day of memorial among those who love Your things among people , making room for them so that Your name and the name of Your saints may be on earth .
We have been waiting for the miracle of Your word on the earth for two thousand years , and we praise Your new name among those in heaven . You have come on the earth after two thousand years with a new name , and You are called the Word of God , ( Apoc : 19 / 13 .) and You have been writing Yourself within it over time , and now You have become a book , Lord , and now the seals are broken and it is shared Your word and Your name of fifty years on the Romanian land , ( See The Book of the Lamb ( The Book of Life ) - The Word of God ( 1955-2005 ) , r . n .) where You have laid Your table for Your coming with the saints , Lord . The angels serve our coming with You , and the angels who lost their glory cry and wait for the man to come back to You in order that they may also return to their glorified places . Oh , give to Your people the power of the Holy Spirit and of holy prayer of the new birth of the world , Lord . All and everything have waited in heaven and on earth , and they have waited for Your last servants , so that they may lift up Your power to work and to set a life-giving spirit over the man , for the man does not know about God and he does not know to wait , and You have to establish on the earth the eternity of those who loved you and love You , Lord and Master of the life without the end for the saints . Make Your people of today victorious over its weaknesses on the earth and in which all the people live and cannot come after You as we came , and then as we walked . Clothe all those that are little within thrills of prayer for the new birth of the world , for all and everything wait for them . We have wanted nothing else on the earth but only to serve You , and not us . We have given a clean word to those who are called Yours , and whom You protect with heavenly powers , and You protect even more those that work over the darkness of the man , for the hell is on the earth and in man , and the guard of Your work of nowadays is a great work on the earth and in heaven , because the man hardly denies himself , and those who are Your working people are at the work for the protection of Your work and for the fulfillment of Your word over them and over those who do not know how to receive it and how to settle down within it .
Make those who see Your glory and Your people , make them deny themselves , for the self-love keeps the man blind in his soul , and You and Your saints work mysteriously on the earth for the power of Your work carried by Your anointed one and established as word on the earth . We are sitting at this table , Your saints , and as at that time , we help You in Your labor , in Your pain from the midst of Your people , over which You sit down as body and word to protect it and to have it as Yours .