The Word of God in Romania 2006.05.07 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a
The Word of God 1 on the third Sunday after the Passover, of the prudes (the
myrrh-bearing women) 2
In a heavenly threshold of feast, I come down into the blessed courtyards of My word,
I come closer with the synod of the prudes working of God and with many saints, and I give
you, those who are gathered together for the feast, the news of My resurrection over the male
and female disciples of My word of that time: Christ is risen!
When there are hearts that are gathered together into My name and of My word, I come
down and I become food of word with My saints, and My saints are those who have worked
God’s word on the earth, as I did, serving it and sharing it to My glory over time and to the
salvation of many who stand up for My testimony over those who are without God.
I make you glad, working and ministering prudes. I meet you into My courtyards and
we serve you a day of feast, the Lord with the people serving to the word of His coming in the
end of the time, as it was written that I would come to seal the ages by the word and to establish
Myself as the Creator of the new heaven and of the new earth, which will last, and this mystery
is appalling for those in heaven who do not see like God, for it is written about those who are
holy: «Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God». (Matt. 5:8) Amen.
We sit down at the table of word, oh, working prudes, for you served My word and you
worked for the confirmation of My resurrection, gathering together heart by heart around this
mystery, forgetting about you and about those who were yours and ministering to My appearing
from the Father over the earth, that is Christ resurrected from the dead after I was born from the
Virgin to be your Teacher and then to give Myself as a sacrifice for the unfaithful ones, so that
God may really have the man. Amen
You have got together with the saints of the heaven near the people that minister My
word in the end of the time, as you had also ministered then. Rejoice! Oh, but your joy cannot
be anything else than that which I also have with those whom I have got as My people today.
Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn for Me and for My pains and
for My glory, a glory as that of a merciful and patient God. Rejoice near the people of My
coming in the end of the time, but My work is not loved on the earth today as you loved it two
thousand years ago. The man does not know to come towards it so that I may have many work-
ers, because the love of God has gone out on the earth, as I spoke about this sign that it would
come before the day of My glory, when all those will be renewed at the word of the new making
of everything. I can no longer wait for the man, for the man does not come, and he who
comes, comes that it may be well with him, and not with Me, and he comes not coming, and I
work hard for My coming through which I have to make out all that will remain. Your joy is
sweet, when I sit with you in the word at My table on the earth. It is your day of feast, oh,
ministering brides of God’s love. Your ministry was beautiful and clean and your love for Me
was everything you had from all that you left them off within your heart in order to serve Me
and My sufferance for which I came and I became a Man to suffer in the body for all the sinners
that do not seek after God, the Maker, but only after themselves, by those who are temporary,
which have enchanted the man keeping him in bondage throughout time. However, you rose
God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.