The Word of God in Romania 2006.05.07 - The Word of God on the third Sunday a | Page 3

2006.05.07. Come Lord, come more and more with Your saints and with a strong word, for all and everything wait for the new creation, and You are with the fan into Your hand and You cleanse Your threshold floor as it is written, and You make room with those that are new, and You have to fulfill over the earth and over the man the baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire for the renewing of all, Lord of Your powers and of Your saints who have always endured Your pain, and which by comforting Your sighing got comforted and were comforting those who were clothed like You and in Your name, working and sowing Your kingdom on the earth. We have established ourselves as working the word upon the fed people, and we work like You, for You are our Teacher and we become word in order to take after You and not after the man. We also give to those who stand as Your people before You, we give them the spirit of mercy of God and the work of the word, Lord, for their calling was to work that way. We have also got the mercy on You in heaven, for You want mercy and not sacrifice, but the man hardly comes to get used to those that You want, for the man is used to give You his things, not Yours, Lord. However, we have learned from You, that he who learns knows, and this is how he works. We have learned the work of God’s mercy, and this is what we want to strengthen over the people of Your word. The love in us was born out of our mercy on You, and we have stayed with it under Your teaching so that You may make it to be heavenly, and then we confessed and confess You and tell everyone who hear You and do not know You in them: blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Amen, amen, amen. – Oh, brides of the sufferance of God’s Son! I am His trumpet, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) and I have got word with you, with the saints and with those who wait for the end of the Lord’s work. I have brought those asleep at the table with you to receive from the table of God’s mercy. We give them from the table, we comfort them and strengthen their patience and we work for the Lord’s victory. We have got at the feast, around your day, Gheorghe, (George) the martyr and the victor among the saints. He keeps watching for the people of today and cutting the enemy power, which by its nature lurks God’s coming down on the earth as word, and he overcomes from those who are victorious, and he has given power of victory for the opening of the Lamb’s book, the book of the Lord, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) His word of fifty years into the midst of the Romanian people. The Lord has hardly been doing this heavenly work, because the disciples of His word are little and few, but the Lord and the victorious saints were the victory to those who have worked, and behold, the book is shared, the word of God is shared. I am Your trumpet, Lord, and I have refreshed Your saints. And now, You are the word of the comfort from heaven. Amen, amen, amen. Oh, Verginica, I take the feast that you were bringing on the earth for the glory of the mercy of the prudes of My sufferance and resurrection. Your followers bring this day before Me as you taught them for it, in order that those who are asleep, concerning the hope of My coming, may come to this table. And now, I, the Lord, bless and sanctify this day and its word from heaven over the earth. Amen. And to you, to those who have come together, I give you of My glory, I give you My word on the table, and you should learn to come out of yourselves when I want to lay down with My face within you. Blessed is the one who knows to be God’s child. I look at My Father 3