The Word of God in Romania 2004.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the h | Page 3

2004.11.21. Oh, you have to show My face in you to the people, because only in this way you can fulfill the great commandment, which says: «You shall love your neighbor as yourself»; only this way and not otherwise, sons. Oh, if the man fulfilled God’s commandment given to him, then he would become like God with his entire heart, with his entire soul and with his entire mind and power, and this is how he would be seen by his neighbor as his brother, and this is how the man would be con- fessing and bearer of the cross, by following Me. Oh, My people, you should remember how I put the man to test, the man who says that he fulfills the commandments, which will be to comprise in them his love for Me and not in that one for he himself or for his glory and not Mine. When I tested the rich young man, who was fulfilling the commandments, I told him that if he wanted to be perfect he should deny himself and give what he had earned to the poor to have it as his treasure in heaven, and then to come and become My disciple, for only that way the man who loved God completely was able to become perfect in everything, and then he became sad and went away, for he had many riches. Behold, the man does not love God from with his entire soul, with his entire heart, with his entire mind and with his entire power. Behold, the man cannot deny himself to become My disciple, but I told My disciples who were afraid, when they saw Me speaking with the rich young man, for that what was not possible with the weak men within the perfect love was possible with God, Who takes care to prepare man’s heart, and his souls and his mind and power to be able to give them all to God that the man may belong of God, but not to himself, for the body is of no use, and the man, poor of him, labors only for his body, forgetting about the eternity of his soul and body, which cannot be separated as the man would like to believe that it is possible when he is only flesh, poor of him. The man knows nothing about the mystery of the love of his neighbor and about its work. The man does not know what to give to his neighbor, and does to his neighbor what he does to himself, for the man is only flesh like his neighbor whom the man helps in his needs, which these have nothing to do with the man’s salvation and of his neighbor. The greatest truth in man is the humility of his mind and heart, for it wins the man over to God, and the man is consumed before Me, fulfilling with his whole heart, soul and mind and power the love of God in him, the love that burns in man. The man’s love burns in man for man, but My love in him burns in man for Me and it wins the man over for perfect and eternal life, and eternal life means nothing else but God’s love in man, the love which loves consuming the man, so that only God may remain and every man’s neighbor to see God burning like fire in the one who lets himself to be My dwelling place in him. Amen. Oh, there is no love of his neighbor but only in the man who loves God and likewise, and he loves his neighbor as himself, making this one see and love God from all of his things, which are not of the flesh, but from God and for God in m an. Amen. Humility of spirit makes the man a dwelling place of My glory among people and the man becomes like Me, gentle and humble in his heart, obedient and fulfilling My entire word, which is the life and the light of the people. Amen. Oh, the saints and the angels and those who wait for the resurrection stand in groups and groups, and all these stand in amazement, and happier than in the paradise of the heavenly delights stand all those now here with you within their happiness, which is My word, My feast on earth with the Father, with the saints and with the angels, children sons, who give Me to the 3