The Word of God in Romania 2004.11.21 - The Word of God at the synod of the h | Page 4

2004.11.21. heaven and to the earth as word, for I promised that I would give Myself with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, and with Him I would make all things new, I would cleanse them, I would give them light and I would change them in glory and incorruptibility, sons who are sharers of God. The angels let their voices upon you and speak to you this: – Glory to God in the highest and beneath on earth as in heaven, and peace from God on the people and not as the world devoid of life gives to the man, the world which does not see us, God’s angels, because we are in the Lord, the One Who is invisible. Amen. Love the life with angels, people of God’s mercy! Call us to make you perfect in love such as ours, for in one voice and one word we speak the word, in the presence of the chief angel on us, Michael the archangel, who commanded us to listen to the Lord and not to the man, and let us work from Him for the man. Love the most perfect fasting, you, those who live on earth, for the most loved fasting before the Lord is obedience to Him, obedience to His love, which teaches every man to love God within the whole fruit of the Spirit and with them to love his neighbor, becoming a way for him to God, the light on the way and taste of the life with God in man. Amen. Let us stay with reverence and awe and be attentive with love, Lord, to Your word of life giving, and of resurrection over those who sleep in the dust of the earth and who have been waiting for the holly candle in the hand of those who remember them before You with a pure heart, for those with a pure heart are those who have pure faith and which is fulfilled by its fruits, by its miracles, which mean God, the Wonderful One within His saints. Amen, amen, amen. ‒ Oh, Lord of mercy and of endurance; come with the day of endless resurrection, when the curtain, which separates the two worlds, will fall! This is how we pray to You, those who wait for last candle of the great resurrection, the little hand which will strike the light for the last time for the candle, which, from Your hand, will share the light of the endless Passover of those who wait for You with a prolonged sigh, with Your great day for us, Lord, Who have the keys where we wait for You and when You will speak gently and sweetly: “Come outside! Come and receive light and come to life through it and by the word of resurrection!” Amen, amen, amen. – Oh, this is what I will do, for great is the faith which stands before Me, for all of these accomplishments. Amen. Oh, children sons who have opened the heaven in order that I may flow like a river as word on earth, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) great is your faith, and it has been spread from margins to margins and I will add to it, but you should remain within the humility of spirit, which makes a dwelling place for Me and comfort those who wait for Me and grow them small and gentle and humble in their heart, those who promised to listen to God. Humble yourselves like Me and for those who are poor in spirit and for those who are rich in their spirit, but bring them also to the humility of spirit without which My love cannot work in man. Give glory to the day of memorial of the angels, sons, and blessed be the day of the celebration of victory by the cross of the appearance of the ark of the Holy of Holies, which 4