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does not have to teach Me how to love him , but he has to let Me teach him how to love Me , and that is why I said that those that are pure in their hearts are blessed , for they are also clean in their faith , and they will see God , because this is their faith and because they bring their self under control , and then they overcome for My glory before the people and they believe by defeating My enemies , not their enemies . Amen .
Oh , children sons , who bring Me down on earth by your faith in My Scriptures , and through Me , Who have found support in you ! Tell those that are loved by Me and by you that We do not love the man because of his merits , but We love him that he may be saved , sons . Oh , if the man did not forgot this , he would no longer become haughty , but he would bring his body under control and would know through the spirit the work of humility of spirit , and he would no longer bring his body under control by fasting from food and from sins , because there is no greater fasting like obedience to God , but who is to show the man this perfect way to Me , the One Who am the Teacher of the world and from Whom the whole world would be to get knowledge , and not from man , children who know God with My love in you ? And that is why I will love you with all those who are Mine in heaven and on earth , and I will pour Myself out in you with My love to teach the man to love Me with My love in him and not with his love of Me , for the man , who confesses his love of God , makes Me suffer greatly , when he does not listen to the commandment of love , which speaks like this : « You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart , and with all your soul , and with all your mind , and then , you shall love your neighbor as yourself ». ( Matt . 22:37 , 39 )
Oh , children sons , who carry upon you the burden of My coming on earth as the Teacher of the world ! If the man loved God with his entire heart , with his entire soul and with his entire mind and power , would he also have for himself from these ? And of his things , really ? Behold , in this basic commandment the body is of no use , for it is the spirit , which gives life , but the man does not have teachers upon him , teaching sons from Me over the man . I will lift you up over all the heights on earth with My teaching and I will renew the world with it , and I then I will bring on earth the life , which is to be after the resurrection of the dead , ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .) who hear My voice from their dwelling place made ready to listen to My commandment for their raising , ( See the selection topic : „ The dead hear My voice ”, r . n .) for the fulfillment of the last Scriptures and which the people do not longer look in that I may give them wisdom to understand them , and then to believe in them with humility , for humility is greater than love . This is what the saints say , those who wait for My coming , and they say that the greatest truth in man is the humility of the mind and heart , for it wins the man over to God and it is now greater than love , for where it is not , My love cannot work in man and for man . Amen .
Oh , My people , I have surrounded you with all the angelic hosts , that it is the feast of God ’ s angels . I have gathered around you many in the house of My meeting with the man , and near those who are within the body , stands the whole human kind mentioned today in your midst , the people from Adam and up to this day , and who have been waiting for My voice in your midst and for the mentioning of each name and according to his people . Oh , My people , the happiness of those who are remembered is limitless happiness and which does not comes to the man ’ s mind . There are many who have come down near you with Me from the bosom of the faithful Abraham , from the most beautiful place in the invisible heaven , and these feel greater happiness here where I spend time with you within My word , which has been shared over the earth for the renewal of the world and for the resurrection of the dead . Oh , blessed are those who listen to God ’ s word and fulfill it with humility , with a gentle and humble spirit , which becomes paradise in man , paradise for God and for the saints , sons .