The Word of God in Romania 2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 8
— Come, Savior Son, but You have to save the human’s mind and heart from the world
first, and only then to grow in him to rejoice over him, but the man’s heart has to be touched,
Son, for Barabbas was touched in his heart after You died in his place, and he loved only You
then, and he did not love himself and this is how You found him when You took him near You
in eternity.
Oh, Son with time and without time over the man and over the earth! Oh, nothing is
passing away, nothing, and everything that man does is taken up in eternity, and he will have
them as he will have gathered them, either by repentance and humility, so that the evil things
he has done may not punish him, or by carelessness of soul and by love for temporariness on
earth, and for which the man lives in himself with haughtiness in such a way that he does not
care of his soul for his eternity, and as the man gathers for himself in order to have, the same
way he has and works. However, I would want, and I work hard with all the pain to want it,
and I work hard near the Father for You to have men on earth with a gentle and humble spirit
like Yours, and then for You to do with him as with Enoch, as with Elijah, and that there may
be someone to wait for You and to meet the man in the sky and in this way to spend with him
always, halfway between heaven and earth, and then to fulfill everything with him, and then to
appear with him on a new earth Son, Who work hard for the man. (See the selection topic:
„Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)
Oh, nothing is passing away on earth, even if the man know that he passes away with
this body, for whoever does not learn to know that nothing passes away and that everything is
restored for the confession of everything that was and is again and will be.
Oh, how good it is for the little one, because the great one pretends that he is great,
Lord of humility and of those who are humble, and You long after Your healing, after Your
health in man, for the man is sick from his own self and from his soul that You gave him, and
he mourns without comfort in him, for the man lives fleshly and he does not know what he does,
Son Lord. Oh, how much I long to find a man with the love and its benefits in it! I remind the
man of the bridegroom from the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where I called You to reveal
Yourself that You are God of God, that he may follow You and only You, the bridegroom of the
wedding, and he did it this way. How many bridegrooms would do like him if they saw You, if
they saw Your power at work? Oh, not even Adam could do what he did, and even today he
does not want to do it, painful Lord, even since You made the man and until today.
Oh, the man does not flee from anything as he flees from Your rebuke, which brings to
him the death for Your life in him, but the man does not love You because he does not know
You. You have always come with Your word on earth and has given bread to man to learn how
to live on it, and You give him Your word, but he has got used to the bread, which he makes for
himself and by which he eats his food. For fifty years You have been giving the man the spirit
of resurrection and of eternal life, and he does not know what the word he speaks means, when
he says that “God gives to the man, but He does not puts in his bag.” He speaks well when he
says so, but his mind is for earthly bread and goodies when he says this, and behold, You give
to the man everything that he gives him back, but he does not take in him, for he is full of his
own things and he does not know to put in his bag, when You give him so that he may be like
You after that.