The Word of God in Romania 2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 9
Oh, Son Lord, I have heard those who carry You as word from heaven on earth, that
they asked You how the man does not receive You, how comes that he does not see You, how
comes that the man does not love You, when he hears You coming, and You spoke to them that
the eyes, which are not seen are forgotten. The man does not have his mind to give it to Your
Spirit by Whom the man would be able to see like You, Lord, like You in everything and over
everything. The man does no longer have faith, because he does not have faith anymore, for
where Your love in man is, there You are also with Your face and with Your patience, with Your
gentleness, Lord. The man does no longer have any guidance, and those who guide him, lead
him to them and not to You. Not even the one who prays to You with tears and sacrifice, not
even him has got any wisdom, because if the man does not bring his life under control for God,
it is in vain that he brings his sacrifice, and this is not called sacrifice, for only to God the man
can bring sacrifices, by not loving his body and by the love of his soul, which he receives from
the body reconciliation sacrifice to God, when the body is for God and not for man.
Oh, Son forgotten by man, the man goes wrong so many times in one single day and he
does not take care of his cleansing, if he does not love You, if he has no mercy on You, and it is
in vain that he has faith in You, that You are God if he does not also love You having mercy on
You with his life according to Your life lived on earth. Oh, where is the man supposed to go to
find You, to know You and to receive You afterwards? Where, Son and Lord? He goes, poor of
him, to the priests, and the priests do not love You, for if they do not live Your life among the
people, and they live their life instead, and their words are like those of the people and not like
those of Yours, and they please the people and not You, Lord, before the people, and the people
commit sin by the words of the priests and do not do like the bridegroom from Cana, who gave
up sin and became the confessor of Your powers for the holiness of the people, for holiness is
the reward of the life loving of God and of the man’s crowning and of his beauty, Lord. There
is no one to wake up those who became priests and set themselves over the people without
having Your life in them and that is why they blaspheme Your good name by their life without
Your life in it.
— Oh, mother, who are to teach the people that it is not proper for the man to stay
close to the body of the prayerful priest and under his garment. The priest is beautiful
when he works by word and not by gestures over the people and especially over the
women. I worked by the word and My word had power, but the worldly priest makes gestures,
and he touches and is touched and he does not feel that his power is drained, a power which is
to be consumed like Mine on the cross and for those who are wretched and weak in their body
and in their faith on earth, and who did not have any hopes and joys, and My power was drained
when someone was seeking healing from Me, and I was working mysteriously and healing the
man, and then I was saying to him: «Go and show yourself healed to the priests»; but it was
the power of healing from Me that was working and not from the priest, mother. The priest is
beautiful by the word to believe and then to work over the man, and not by any kinds of gestures,
because the laying of the hands, as he does upon the man, is a very great work, and this work
does not have to be laid on everyone, and behold, in the world the priest gives what he has
got, and this is how it is the one who receives from him, for he does not live My life to give
from it, but he gives only from his life when it gives, mother.
I have spoken to the proud man in his spirit, and I said to him: «He who does not eat
and does not drink of My Body and Blood has no life in him», and then many of My disciples
left Me. However, I had James and John with Me, who worked Me by My grace, the grace of
priesthood, which I Myself put on their heads, and I told them to do this mysteriously, and then