The Word of God in Romania 2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 7
godly mysteries, and now I took him and put him in front of the people as an example of the
kingdom of the heavens in man, a seed sown on earth for its fruit to remain forever, mother.
Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.)
Oh, My people, the feast of the birth of My mother is great in heaven and on the
earth of My meeting with the man. I have made this feast beautiful in its appearance and I
confessed it to you to help you believe the confession.
Oh, My people, how sweet would you become for Me if you knew how to look at Me!
You should know from Me that the eyes, which are not seen are forgotten, My people. Oh, how
great and how wonderful My grace would become in you if you knew to use those who see
from Me in you, and to use Me by them and not to use them for you, for I am heavenly and I
am spirit and body, because when I made the man, I made him after My pattern, but he gave up
this grace for he did not love My Spirit, and this is how the man has come to stay in his spirit.
Oh, My people, lay down in My Spirit, for the time is coming when you need My Spirit.
Get used to Him well, for I dwell with Him into your midst, but I want to have room and not
burden with Him into your midst, in your spirit. Amen, amen, amen.
Come, watching children, you still need to do a little hard labor for My descent with the
entire word of the feast of My mother, the Virgin. Come, children sons, for My spirit is only
fire, and if the people saw Me, he would wait for Me from dawn to dawn with this comfort of
word, for the moment is coming soon for each one to remain in what he will have found. I
have exhorted the people of My word not to have another worry before the one for My coming
to him as word, and I would have liked him to have a stronger desire for My coming with the
feast of My mother, such a great feast that My word is not going to pass without being fulfilled,
the word that had to be fulfilled as I want to be laid down on earth at its time.
Oh, children sons, oh, how much I would like, and I would like this with the entire
heaven, that My people could do more and more for those of heaven on earth with him, because
the gift of confession is great and it is a great joy in heaven, the gift of the preaching of My
word, the gift of My communion with you and among you, the gift of prophecy, which keeps
the man away from perdition, and which protects him from his own self. Amen.
Oh, children who stay under the labor of My coming, if the man looks for joys then he
does no longer seek after God, and the empty walnut is of no use if you want to do something
with it, but it is only a shell without any kernel and sounds empty and it is put aside. However,
if the man lives empty of God and confession, he does no longer gathers anything in
heaven, neither for him and nor for the other, and if there is no longer the gift of prophecy
on earth, then there is no one to turn the man back from life, from his lifeless life. Oh, the man
does not love the Lord on earth, and My Father Sabaoth and My mother, the Virgin, hold Me
in their arms and wash Me with their tears, for I have come and become the Son of Man and
the man does not know Me, for if he knew Me, he would become a son of God and he would
no longer seek to make God like him, neither in his joys, and nor in his hardships.
Come mother! Come with the word of your feast for the people to grow through Us, to
listen and to grow up and not less, mother. Amen, amen, amen.