The Word of God in Romania 2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 6

2004.09.21 .
“ James , the righteous one ,” for he loved the justice for You , and that is why he wrote to the twelve tribes of Your church his exhortation full of life and teaching against sin , and many were looking , if possible , to touch the tassels of his garment , which I made for him with so much holiness of spirit and love , to serve You in it , Lord , my Son . Oh , how much power of love he had ! Love overcomes fear , and the bishop of the temple did not stop him to enter the Holy of Holies whenever he wanted to pray like this , even if one did not enter there but only once a year and never without blood from the sacrifice of animals . Oh , how much you have thriven with this mystery among the nations through him , my Son , and the rulers of the Jews did not know how to break down the nations ’ faith in You , and they urged him on a Passover feast to climb the pinnacle of the Temple , where the devil set You to tempt You to throw Yourself down for Your angels to bear You up , and which You put him away saying : « Go away satan , for it is written not to tempt God », and the rulers of the temple asked him to speak to the nations not to believe in You , the crucified One , anymore . However , when the multitude saw him and asked him how to believe in You , he responded : “ Do you ask me about the Son of Man , Who willingly suffered and was buried and then was resurrected on the third day ? He is in heaven , on the right side of the power of the Most High and He will come down again on the clouds and will judge the living and the dead .” And when the crowd said , “ Hosanna , Son of David !” the rulers of the Jews spoke to themselves : “ The righteous one was wrong !” and being seized by anger and envy , they threw him down , but he , still alive , prayed for them saying : “ Forgive them this sin , for they do not know what they do , Lord .” Then , they stoned him to death and he was sent to You , Son and Lord , praying to You for their forgiveness . He accompanied us all the way of Your cross from Your birth and to Your ascension to the Father , and within a great mystery he was the sacrifice of love , and I speak in a great mystery as much as I can speak according to the faith and unbelief of the people , but I had You as the mystery Supper by his hand , for he was Your bishop even from the womb , for this is how You choose , and that is why You taught him the work of Your mysterious Supper and put him to its work , and I had my Son worked out by his hand and then by the hand of John , and I want to give Your people instruction and to reveal to him the mystery of the embodiment of Your word as it was in James , Your brother and disciple , Your herald , priest and martyr , Lord . Amen .
Oh , my feast of today with the saints in the garden of the meeting is so beautiful , and I want to leave the grace of the teaching upon Your people and I do not want to make him tired , because he is small and weak . Let us also have him to sit at his table for the body , and let us still teach him then the mystery of the embodiment of Your word , Son and Lord . I take from the table of the saints and mysteriously I touch them from it on their table , and then the spirit of the feast will become a sweet torrent upon them , for them to grow up and not to grow less . Amen , amen , amen .
— Oh , mother , My sweet mother , I have prepared for you a praised feast , and also confessed and brought into view , mother ! Those who see it feel sorry to walk through the garden , and they only look in amazement and pain , mother , and they also try to teach My people the mystery of the pain after God , the mystery of life , mother . There would be a great joy in heaven and on earth for My people to know how to receive them , mother , for him to grow in the sacrifice of love , for no one can learn the love and its benefits on earth from his own self , because the man loves himself and not God and the man goes wrong , mother , because he does not know where the love and its benefits are from , what they are and what they do in man and from man . The man wants to take from them , but My apostle James , on whom I relied most , is the example of those who want to borrow , from Me and for Me , the love and its benefits . As a strong pillar , I relied on him , then on John , and then on Peter , and they were the closest to Me for the