The Word of God in Romania 2004.09.21 - The Word of God at the feast of the b | Page 5
pressed against because he is a man from where the man draws for him, not for You in man,
Son, grown weak from man.
Oh, if You had not set aside those anointed by You in the garden of Your word a long
time ago, in the old times, You would have not had them as intercessors for the whole human
kind before You, and that is why You had always been teaching them that their life had to be
God and not to put out their power, in order that You could remain with them and not without
them, and that they could be Yours and not man’s, as the priests of the world are, for You need
priests for all human kind, down to Adam and up to Your coming, and You had always been
teaching them to be good and to live in such a way that You might have Your wisdom in them,
Oh, I have always been looking upon them all the time after Your ascension into the
Father. There, where humility was, and love for Your supper, for its protection, there was the
whole heaven, for the priest had one, two or a couple of disciples and he kept the power for You
in him and in his disciples, but there, where it was a multitude without grace, without spirit, the
priest did no longer know the mystery of the supper, of Holy Spirit, and he used to read the
book of the priest service and he was rejoicing over the praise from the people and not from
You, Lord. The mystery of the embodiment of Your word in man makes the man satisfied with
his life in Your life, in Your pain, and that one helps from You and for You the one who he
receives Your Body and Blood from, and with this teaching I want to teach Your people today.
I speak to Your people about Your apostle satisfied within You, about James, the holy
and the righteous one, for he knew that You were the Son of God and that it was why he accom-
panied us all the time on the way of Your cross, which started even since Herod, by killing the
infants, he wa nted to kill You as well, and he saved You from his hand by our leaving to Egypt
with Joseph and James, his child from his marriage, before my Father gave me under his pro-
tection for the mystery of Your birth. (See this in more details in “Jesus’ adolescence and child-
hood,” received by Divine dictation by Jakob Lorber, r.n.).
Oh, how much this child, James, loved You, for he knew that You were the Son of God
because he loved God. From a younger age he gave himself over to an angelic living and he
did not love his body, but he only took care of it with bread and water and nothing more, and
he loved God, without rest in his love, day and night. His nights were only prayer, with his
knees knelt down and with his hands lifted up, and the grace of the pure virginity was blameless
in him until his end. When he saw You how You taught in the Temple and then the nations, he
became fire under Your word, and his love for You was consumed within him and he made his
life harsh to live only for You on earth. He has learned from You, Lord, the love and its benefits,
and You loved him even more, and You relied on him more than on any other disciple of Yours,
and after You came to life again, he was the first among the disciples to whom You appeared
resurrected. So many Jews knew who You were through him, for he was a bishop and no one
among the unbelievers from the temple knew that he was within You and You were within him,
and that You taught him and settled him to a godly work of the mystery of the holy Liturgy by
which You became bread and wine for him and for me and for the beloved John, and that he
taught Your disciples how to work You and how to work this mystery with You after You had
given it to them at the Last Supper, three days before Your resurrection after Your passion on
the cross, when You truly accomplished Your sacrifice forever for the man’s redemption from
his falling, after seven thousand years. For the love and its benefits in him, all called him: