The Word of God in Romania 2004.07.13 - The Word of God at the Synod of the t | Page 5

2004.07.13 .
Oh , My people , My word upon you is great grace and the one who eats it more than bread , that one becomes a dwelling place of the work of the grace , as it happened with My disciples two thousand years ago . Amen , amen , amen .
— Oh , how was it not possible for us to become a temple of Your graces , Lord , if You were feeding us from Your mouth with God ’ s word ? The Pharisees and the scribes , who were tempting You in every way possible , being Jews unfaithful to God , they were taking after the devil who tempted You in the wilderness , and You answered to his temptation with the word of the Scriptures , Lord , as You also did with the Pharisees and the scribes , Lord Teacher . Oh , how fallen is the man who does not read the Scriptures to understand them and that he may not tempt You with them and all those who do not have the faith from the Scriptures ! The faith from the Scriptures , Lord , is not that by which the man believes in You and in Your sacrifice on the cross , but it is the one working by love , and the love is the man into Your image and after Your likeness on earth , as You taught us to be , and only after that You made us Your messengers on earth , so that You could work through us , You and not we from us , and You said this to us : « Go into all the world , and preach the gospel to the whole creation , and these signs will accompany those who believe : in My name they will cast out demons ; they will speak with new languages ; they will take up serpents ; and if they drink any deadly thing , it will in no way hurt them ; they will lay hands on the sick , and they will recover ». ( Mark 16:15-18 ) Lord , the faith of those who believe is accompanied by wonderful signs done by those You have sent to preach the kingdom of the heavens , but the man does not believe , as those , who were the rulers of the earth , did also not believe , and who judged You before Your death on the cross and to whom You spoke : « From now on you will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky ». ( Matt . 26:64 ) Amen .
Oh , the faith of those who do not believe through love and which works by love , cannot see You and bring Your coming on the clouds of the sky upon the man . However , we understood the mystery of the Scriptures of Your coming on the clouds of the sky , even if , when You spoke these things to those who crucified You then , we did not know what to believe at that time . However , You fulfilled then the whole mystery of the Scriptures You came on earth for , and You sent us the Holy Spirit afterwards , and from Him we received from You and we saw and confessed , as the queen of Sheba , after everything she heard that was spoken in the world about Solomon ’ s wisdom , she came to him and saw and believed more than she had heart about it , and then she blessed God ’ s people and gave gifts to Solomon ’ s kingdom , Lord .
Oh , children of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , we have spoken to you , for we are the Lord ’ s disciples in heaven as we were His disciples on earth . Open the Scriptures and learn from them how to listen , how to live God ’ s kingdom on earth , so that when the people of earthly science hear from you and come to see you they may bow their heads before the kingdom of the Lord with you as the queen of Sheba did when she came to see the things spread about Solomon ’ s wisdom , and she bowed her head and worshipped the Lord God of Israel . Amen .
Listen to the wisdom of those whom the Lord has got as your helm so that the world may marvel at the Lord ’ s kingdom with you . ( See the selection topic : „ About the kingdom of God ”, r . n .) Keep the Lord ’ s word blamelessly , for the Lord will appear at the right time over the entire creature , only for you to keep well everything that was entrusted to you , living all the time far away from empty speaking , which is worldly and not heavenly , for whoever knits his soul with