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from Me , satan !», then those who were tempting Me day by day and were testing Me to find cause in My words in order to put Me to death on the cross . Oh , the devil is neither afraid of fasting , nor afraid of a body burden by unwillingness as much as he is afraid of God in man . When I allowed to be taken by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil after I had fasted for forty days and forty nights according to the Father ’ s order , then the devil , seeing that I was the Son of the Father , said to Me : « Behold , You are hungry , command that these stones become bread to eat », but I answered him in a godly spirit that « The man shall not live by bread alone , but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God ». ( See Matt . 4:3-4 ). Amen . Sons , look at those who live by bread alone ! If no one is able to lift them up from this falling , they live only this way , but no one is able to love its life and living but only when this makes the man suffer .
The spirit opposing to God has learned the Scripture of the heavens on earth and with it he tempts many , too many does he tempt , for satan also tempted Me with it . He spoke to Me from it : « If you are the Son of God , throw Yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple , for the Lord will give His angels charge concerning You and they will bear You up on their hands so that You may not dash Your foot against a stone ». ( See Matt . 4:5-6 ) Then I answered him from the Scriptures of the Father and I said this : « It is written : “ You shall not test the Lord , your God ,” and I do not worship the world and its kingdom and its glory and now get behind Me , for I tell you from the Scriptures that you shall worship the Lord your God , and Him only you shall serve ». ( See Matt . 4:9-10 ) Amen , amen , amen .
Oh , My people of today , My disciples in your midst are happy . They have blessed your bread for your being from Me and from the Father , because the Lord has given it to you , but when I was in the wilderness to overcome the devil , then I was hungry after I fasted and I told him : « The man shall not live by bread alone , but with every word that comes out of God ’ s mouth ». My disciples are sitting at the table with you , Jerusalem of today , and they are eating every word that comes out of My mouth upon them and upon you , for this had to be the food that the man built by My hand out of the dust was supposed to have if he wanted to remain in Me and I in him as word , as I am . This is how I was in the beginning , and this is how I am in the end too , and I want to make the man used to eat from heaven first and then from the earth those that are from Me . Amen .
Two thousand years ago I said : « If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed , you will tell this mountain to move and it will move ». ( Matt . 17:20 ) Oh , the man ’ s unbelief has become a mountain against his unbelief in God , for the faith is the high mountain , which I speak with to feed the man with the word of My mouth more than with bread . Amen . The grain of mustard sprouts and it receives a body and it grows and growing it believes even the seed is small . However , My word does not grow in man , for the man is not a good soil , and the man does not know to believe in My word and he becomes a rock and he gives himself life and grows from the rock , and I cannot leave the seed of My word in him .
I did great and amazing miracles before My disciples for them to see Me that I was true God , because the time came to glorify the Father in Me . The work of the man ’ s faith in God makes the man work out miracles and there is no greater miracle than for the man to let God live in him , and then to receive the word and to feed on it in order that he may live . Amen .