The Word of God in Romania 2004.07.13 - The Word of God at the Synod of the t | Page 6
the science of the world, falsely called this way, and because that is not science, that one tram-
ples the faith under his feet even if he believes that he goes along with it. The Lord is the One
Who brings everything into life, the Lord and not the man of science, which is falsely called so
in the world.
Love the life, which makes you suffer, for without its pain you will not learn the way, the
truth and the life. Do not trouble for you pains. They are a snare for the way of life so that you
may no longer love the pain of the life in you, the pain of the Lord in you, for the Lord is your
life, and you have the sons of the heavenly wisdom among you, who can keep you on the way of
life, for it is on them more than it was the work of Solomon’s wisdom, which made a wonderful
order over the country of Israel, over Israel’s behavior and clothing and over all the stature of
the chosen people, for the Lord has worked into your midst and has established more there, oh,
children of the Lord, and you have to get used to the work of the perfect disciple, because you
eat the entire word that comes out of God’s mouth, Who comes on the clouds as He spoke before
His resurrection, before His appearance over the faithful ones of Israel. Amen.
We shake our graces upon you, and you should be the temples of the Holy Spirit, so that
He may dwell in you as in those that the Lord has put among you as His measure. When one of
the Lord’s workers has a field, he has where to sow the seed of God’s word, and then he has
fruit for God, but live like the Lord and work like Him, standing against the devil, who flees
from those who do not tempt the Lord, but believe in Him being afraid of Him and not tempting
Him in whatever small things they may be. Amen.
Live the kingdom of the Lord on earth, for it has been preached for two thousand years
but it has not been lived, because the teachers who have established themselves in the name of
the Lord upon the people are not good either for themselves or for the people, because they
feed on the knowledge from the world, which is not knowledge, but it is rather empty speaking,
for the Lord has built everything and it is a sin for the man to tempt God. Amen, amen, amen.
— Oh, dear children, who believed in Me stronger in the day of the descending of the
grace of the Holy Spirit upon you! It is written into the Scriptures that the man should not tempt
God for himself, for his faith in God, for his way, for the truth from the Scriptures. It is written
that the Lord seals everything that belongs to Him among His disciples, and there has never
been otherwise with My mysteries between heaven and earth, for it is written: «The Lord will
be a stumbling rock, a trap and a snare for Jerusalem, and many will stumble against it; and
the Lord will wrap up His testimony and His revelation and will seal the law for His disciples,
among His disciples, for He hides His face because of the faith of those who hope in Him».
(See Is. 8:14-17) Amen.
Oh, My disciples of today, the mystery of disciple is great. The one without a teacher
does nothing with his body, with his soul, with his spirit or with his deed. Oh, great is the love
of those who become My disciples, and there is no room in these but only for the faith working
in love and not by temptation against the Lord. Those who tempt the Lord receive knowledge
on earth, a human science, and they torment the Lord with it; they put away the Lord and then
they lose Him, for I spoke to the devil: «Get behind Me, satan, for it is written not to tempt the
Lord your God!» However, those, who cry like Peter afterwards and appear before the Lord
when the Lord calls them, they are able to renew the gift of the faith and to give forth to fruit
for the Lord. Amen.