The Word of God in Romania 1998.03.01 - The Word of God at the Sunday remembr | Page 4

Why is it not eaten what I left to be eaten 3 ? Who can answer Me ? I am the One Who hears the one who answers Me .
Oh , where are you , My creature ? You , the first created man , answer Me ! Answer to Me , so that the entire human race may hear , as I am the God of the living and of those that are asleep . Answer to Me , you that are built by My hand from the earth ! Amen , amen , amen .
− Here I am , Lord . Who can stand against Your word ? Is he really the one , who can answer besides me ? I am the first created man ; created by Your hand and by Your love . You built me of word and love , and out of love and clay , and You called me man . You did not call me meat , and You called me man . I am the one who has sinned against You and against me , and You were the Most High . You are my Creator and the Creator of those that are seen and not seen , which means God , but by disobedience I became a thief . You gave me everything that You created for me , but I have craved for what is Yours , Lord . You have been the Righteous One , and You did not hide from me those of Yours , and rather You put them into the midst of the paradise , so that they may Yours and not mine ; so that Your sign may be into my way , so that You may be with a sign before me always , and for me to have free will and to love You with it and to be Your love , and for You to be my love in everything that I have , and to be Yours and not mine . But I became conceited . Oh , how could I do this ? There was no one on the earth that I may rise myself above . I arose against You , Lord . I wanted to be like You and more than You . You put me into the paradise from Eden and You gave me everything that You made for the man and I got haughty in my thought that I was ruler over everything and I said to myself : « I am God and I sit on God ’ s throne ». Because of my beauty , my heart became haughty and by my haughtiness I lost my obedience and wisdom , as it is written into the Scriptures about my deed , about the haughtiness of my heart in the paradise from Eden . When You saw that I turned my haughtiness into my wisdom , You took care of my life and gave me a commandment : « Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat : but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil , you shall not eat of it ; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die ».
I walked with self-conceit before You , Lord , and I told Your mystery to the woman that I called woman and I called her flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones , and I said that she was mine . I did not want to be Yours with everything that was mine , with everything that I had made and given from You , and I pulled myself out of You and I joined with the woman with my heart . Eden was Your garden ; it was not mine , but my iniquity born out of the haughtiness of my heart nestled into my heart . When I told the woman Your commandment not to eat of the tree , the woman of my flesh turned from flesh into lust , and her thought worked by her own lust , and the beautiful angel worked for the woman through the body of the serpent which wriggled on the tree with fruits forbidden to eat . This urged the woman to eat , telling her that she would not die , but rather « their eyes will be opened and they will be like God , knowing good and evil ». The serpent became a bad omen into the way of the man by the man ’ s lust , by the man ’ s haughtiness , as You stand against those who become haughty into the thought of their heart , Lord , Creator of everything , and You put enmity between the serpent and the man , and the love started to cry in Eden , and the nature was also crying because of the man ’ s fall , for the man became flesh and corruptible fleshly nature , Lord and the flesh is drawn to the flesh and the flesh is for death , not for God .
What is the flesh ? Here is Your question , Lord . Who is the one who made it ? I am the one that answers You . I am the one that made flesh out of the work of Your hand and corruptible fleshly
« God also said , ' Look , to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth , and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit ; this will be your food . » ( Gen . 1 / 29 .)