The Word of God in Romania 1998.03.01 - The Word of God at the Sunday remembr | Seite 3

1998.03.01 «If the man did not know, he would not have any sin, but because he knows and because he says that he knows, the first sin committed by the man remains over the man». Keep in mind, My people, that the spirits without body work through the mind of God and man. Be careful and learn, Israel, as after the beautiful angel fell with his entire host by serving the haughty mind of the first created man, who wanted to be like God, since then there have been two kinds of spirits: the Spirit of God, the good One, and the spirit opposing to God, the evil spirit. Learn from Me, as you have nowhere to learn from the earth, for the spirits have their work by God and man’s mind, by the good spirit and by the evil spirit, as the mind works. I teach you the truth, My people, as the truth is looked after on the earth and is not found. I come and tell you the truth, so that even the man, who pretends that knows it, may hear from you. Be careful and learn from Me, as the evil could not take place in heaven, among the spirits of the heaven, until first, the first created man touched God by the spirit of his own haughtiness, who wanted to be God, thinking on God and taking of the fruit of God’s tree, the tree of the knowledge, a tree that was put aside by the word spoken to the man: «You shall not take of this tree!» Oh, My people, you have to be the most learned people on the earth, as I want to repair My word that is damaged by the man in the beginning and to the end; through you and through My coming from the end of the time. Amen. The man, who knows those that are in God’s being, comes to become haughty, for it is a sin to the man to get over God, and the one who does pass over, that one falls into the sin of debauchery, for it is written: «The Lord stands against those who are haughty and gives them over to satan», and satan means riot and shameful passions, the reward of the haughty man, so that the man may know that he cannot be God, and that he needs to repent and seek with humility after the grace of the Lord, which is for those that are subject to God. The flesh lusts against the Spirit and it becomes lust in the flesh. The woman was flesh of the man’s flesh that was first created, and the flesh of the woman became lust for the man, as the woman lusted against Adam. If Adam did not tell the woman the word from the Lord, that is not to take from the tree of knowledge, the beautiful angel would have not heard the word told to the woman, and because he heard it, he became an evil spirit, submitting to man and not to God. The man was loved by God and he became haughty and he made wisdom in his own self, and the beautiful angel was working through the man, and the man gave him a body through a serpent. The serpent coiled around the tree and this worked out into the mind of the man, into his con- science, upon the fruit of knowledge. The woman touched and ate, and received knowledge, and her eyes were opened for good and evil, and she also gave her husband, and then the man was clothed in a perishable body, in a mortal body, and through the man all the beings received the death into their flesh, into their body. I am the One Who hears any voice, as I heard Abel’s voice, who was crying out to Me from the ground. This child of Adam shed the blood of the lamb brought as a sacrifice of his heart before God. I received the sacrifice of his heart, the sacrifice of his love to Me, but the blood of the sacrificed lamb spread a smell of blood on the earth, and then Abel’s blood marked the ground with the man’s blood, and behold, flesh and blood do not inherit the kingdom of the heavens. Sons, sons, what is flesh and who made it and who grows it to be? Why do the people eat meat? Why do the animals eat meat? Why is it eaten meat, sons? Why does the flesh eat meat? 3