The Word of God in Romania 1998.03.01 - The Word of God at the Sunday remembr | Page 5

nature , for I went wrong to become haughty , and then I also went wrong not obeying Your commandment , that is not to eat of what is Yours and not mine , and then I also went wrong allowing the woman to lead me , and then I went wrong standing on her side and not on Your side , Lord . I am the root of the man subjected to the flesh and corruptible fleshly nature , but You are the heavenly root of the man who wants to be born of your death and from the resurrection from among the dead .
You came from heaven two thousand years ago , to work and to lift the man up to the place where I fell from . You had not eaten for forty days and forty nights for me , the one who ate without Your will from those of Yours , sinning by my haughtiness and my disobedience to God . You had not eaten for forty days and forty nights , and You let Yourself be tempted by the evil spirit more than I let myself be tempted , but his temptation was overcome in Your body . You overcame what I had to overcome . It was I that I brought the evil spirit into existence , and You squashed his power by Your humbleness and by Your obedience to Your Father . You had cried with a godly tear for forty days for me , for You have been looking for me for seven thousand years . You want to find me in every man , as You want me as I was before my haughtiness . You want me in every man as I was when you set me at my beginning in the Paradise from Eden .
Forgive me , Lord , as it was for my resurrection that You came among the people to die like the man and to come after me into the dwelling of the dead , where I entered with tears on my cheeks for everything that I went wrong before You , Lord . I have been waiting for such a long time to come after me . And I am waiting now for You to come for every man who died for my wicked deeds that I made in the Paradise from Eden . Your people from today is a path of Your coming , that you will come soon , soon , and with You will come all the people that did not go to sleep in You , with the hope of Your coming at the end of the ages , Lord and Redeemer and Son of the heavenly Father .
Here I am , Lord . I am in Your coming and I tell the human kind that the man should not eat meat , and no creature has to eat meat as well . I am the first created man and I went wrong on account of the entire human kind , which went wrong through me .
I confess my sins from Eden . Knowledge belongs to God ; it does not belong to the man , and I went wrong touching on those of God through the woman , and taking and eating through the woman .
I am made out of the Romanian clay , and I am Romanian , and I am the first man created out of the dust who appeared first out of the water from the creation of the heaven and the earth .
Lord , may Your will be done on the Romanian land , as it was in the beginning of the earth ! My Spirit cries for all corruptibility that settled over the earth by my disobedience from my beginning . My spirit is waiting for Your coming , Lord , Son of the Father , and Son of the man , Who comes with the mystery of the man ’ s incorruptibility , ( See the selection topic „ The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility ”, r . n .) which I lost for me and for each man . But You are the Redeemer , Who comes , and there is no other man to perceive God , the One Who is , Who comes , and Who died and rose from the dead for each man .
Forgive me , Lord , that You called me and I came at Your word , for You are my God . Blessed is the man who listens fully to the voice of God .