The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 2

but his will is into God ’ s law , and He meditates on His law day and night , like a tree planted by the stream of water , with fruit in its season and with leaves not withered , and the unfaithful are like the dust blown by the wind , as they will not stand up in the counsel of the righteous to judge ».
Sons , sons , open the Lord ’ s book , as the Lord passes with His saints into His book . The Lord came with me and with the saints ; He came into my book and we will pass into the Lord ’ s book . The Lord comes with His little Mother on a day of feast over Israel . Open the gates , open the books , open to the Lord , sons ! The Lord comes with His saints , and you , anointed sons , should be beautiful , beautiful children like the tree planted by the spring of life , sons ; trees with fruit in its season and with leaves that do not fall down . He who falls is a haughty man . He , who begins in Israel not to believe into the Word of God , fell into the sin of haughtiness , and he falls , falls down sinning ; he falls down from heaven ; he falls down from God as Lucifer fell through haughtiness . The haughty man has no mind ; he stops having mind anymore and is like the one who wants to be like God , and he falls like the leaf which falls down , but you , anointed sons , and you , sons from Israel , be beautiful children like the trees planted by the spring of the river of life , with fruit in its season and with leaves that do not fall down , as the rivers will clap their hands at a time and the mountains will rejoice over the Lord ’ s face , Who comes to judge the earth , to shepherd the nations of the earth with an iron staff . Do you hear what the prophet says ? « The rivers will clap their hands and the mountains will rejoice over the face of the Lord ». Sons , sons , sing to the Lord with harps and a voice of psaltery , as you are the rivers of living waters and it is written : « the rivers will clap their hands at a time ».
Oh , loved children , my little trees , you are planted on both sides of the river with the living water , as it is written : « On both sides of the river was the tree of life , bearing twelve kinds of fruit , yielding its fruit every month ; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations ». ( See the selection topic : „ This word is the river of life ”, r . n .) Grow and bear fruit , fruitful sons . Bring forth rivers of living waters , bring forth the word of God , which comes as a gift from you to the healing of the people . Bring forth faith from God ’ s gift , as the Lord comes on the way of your faith . Your faith , Israel , is the way , which the Lord comes on , and He shepherds with an iron staff . May your faith be blessed , Israel of the word ! The Lord comes into His book ; He comes on a white horse and comes into the book and becomes word , as His name is the Word of God . Amen . ( See the selection topic : „ The white apocalyptic horse ”, r . n .)
Blessed be the kingdom of God , the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit . Amen , amen , amen . Peace to you son , son , Israel , My loved people , My white horse , the faithful son ! Oh , with whom shall I speak such a word on this earth any more , well , well , Israel , My white horse , the white horse on which the Lord sits to come , as it is written in the Scriptures ? Open the Scripture , Israel , so that I may come and speak to you from the Scripture : « The voice of a thunder who says : “ Hallelujah ! The Almighty Lord is King ! Glory to Him and to His wedding , for the bride has prepared Herself ; a bride with a clean and white garment , a garment of fine linen , a sanctified life . Blessed are those called to the wedding of the Lamb , for these are the words of God ! And the heaven stands open and here , the Faithful and Truthful One , Who judges with justice , sits on the white horse . His eyes are as a flame of fire ; His head full of crowns , and His written name no one understands but Him , The Lord , clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood , and His name is called the Word of God , and He has hosts from heaven , riding on white horses . Out of His mouth a sharp sword comes out and He strikes with it the pagans and the unfaithful ones and He shepherds them with an iron staff , and He presses on the wine press of His wrath . His