The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 3

name is written on His garment and His thighs : the King of kings and the Lord of lords ! And an angel in the sun cries out : “ Let the birds of the highest sky come to the Lord ’ s supper !” And the beast with the kings of the earth who are waging war against the One Who sits on a white horse and with His host , was slain with all those who carried its marks worshiping its image and they are thrown into the fire and brimstone which is burning .»
Israel , Israel , today these Scriptures are fulfilled under your own eyes , you faithful sons , as My written name no one understands it . This Scripture is true for all those written in it have been fulfilled . Amen . My name is the Word of God , ( Apoc : 19 / 13 , r . n .) as it is written in these Scriptures ; and the beast and false prophet , who were lying against the truth of these Scripture , were thrown into the fire and into the burning brimstone . The Word of God is a fire which is burning , son , Israel , but with whom shall I speak such a word on earth anymore ? The word of the Scripture is being fulfilled , Israel . That is why I needed you , son , Israel , for look , the Scriptures , fulfilled and proclaimed from old times , a long while ago , are speaking once again , Israel . They are written since then when the antichrist was born on earth to kill the Child Who Was being born . The Child , hidden into the manger of the faithful hearts , Was being born again in the faithful ones . The antichrist was born at the same time with Me , for it is against Me that he always has something , and he discovered himself , as he has put his name next to Mine , against My name . ( See the selection topic : „ The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast ”, r . n .)
Oh , you have been waited for , Israel . You are little but your mystery is too big , and that is why you have been waited for ; and look , the man understands neither Me , the Word of God , nor you , the fruit of My word , the road of My coming back to the people . If I did not put the gift of faith in you to believe My coming in the word , could I have come as it is written ? But I made you ; I gave you birth of the word from above ; I put a gift into you to believe in the One Who comes , and I have come . I have come riding on a white horse and the man of this age does not understand , the wise man of this age . The people have names of wise men , philosophers , scientists , theologians , they have names and do not understand My name . My people , the people do not understand your mystery with Me and My mystery with you . No one on the earth understands the Scripture , because it is from heaven , and the people are without mind ; they are without God . The people of the church say about you that you are a dangerous man , son from Israel . Why do the theologians say so ? They say this because of fear ; they are afraid and that is why they say so , but the one who is with God has no fear . The Word God is theologian , this means theologian . They are afraid and hid under the name of God and do not do God ’ s will , and they are afraid . They receive My name and put it upon them , but they do not do My will . How will they not be afraid of you when they know from Me that you are My people ? I told them that you are My people ; I told them to know , as if they did not know , they would not have sin .
Oh , bishops of the time , priests of the time , why do you say that My people is dangerous ? How do they harm you ? What do they take from you ? They do not take anything what is not theirs , as My commandment writes . I hear from you , rumors come up to heavens from you that the people of My word is not good . But are you any better ? Do you obey God any better ? What harm did My people do ? Tell Me and I will search out its deed . Pray to Me in the spirit and truth as you call yourselves theologians and you have knowledge . Pray to God if you have His name on you . Tell Me what do you not like ; do not tell it to the people , as the people are false gods and nothing good comes out of lying . Why do you not want to search the life and the book of My people ? Why do you not want to see as truth My book about it ? Who are you afraid of ? Are you afraid of the truth ? My book is the truth . And what is the truth ? I am the truth . I want to give you the gift of faith ; for it is one thing the faith that comes out from the natural , which does not bring any fruit , and it