The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C

1996.12.04 The Word of God 1 at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother (Translated by I.A.) I come to you, Israel, with a day of feast. I come into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I come and make an entrance to Verginica. She will work into her book and she will place you before Me, sons anointed in the garden. She is My trumpet, by which I became word for My second coming, and I come and I shepherd. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) I shepherd you, My people Israel of today, and behold, I shepherd the nations of the earth as a good shepherd, as it is written into the Scriptures that I come and I shepherd the nations with an iron staff, with the word of God. Whether they want it or not, I shepherd them like a good shepherd, as it is written into the Scriptures that I come and shepherd the nations with an iron staff. I am He, Who fulfills the Scriptures, Israel, and you are My faithful tool, and I become word at your faith; I become a shepherding staff. Amen. Prepare your sons, Verginica. It is a feast; My mother is celebrated in heaven and in Israel on the earth. I made of you an entrance, as we have house and board; we have throne and footstool in Israel; we have a people, Verginica. − Lord, You have sons as Your goodness has gathered from the world the sons that the Father gave them to You from the world; to have faithful sons on the earth, and to make out Your coming, Lord; and You gave joy to Your saints so that they may have house and board with You and from You to work out Your testimony and Your coming into Your saints. Your saints are alive, and those that are faithful pray to the saints so that they may be interceders before You for salva- tion, Lord, but Your people does Your will and the saints find their pleasure and power to fulfill the prayers of those who pray in Your people. I pray for Your people, Lord, to give it the power to believe in You; to fill it up with the gift of the faith, Lord, so that it may be pleased to You through faith, as everything is possible for the one who believes, and You will be able to do it by the faith of this people, Lord, as behold, You become word upon word at Israel’s faith; You come as word on the earth, as it is written in the Scriptures about the Word of God, Which comes on a white horse. Oh, faithful people, if you did not believe, it would have been hard for the man, but the man on the earth does not know the Scriptures; he does not know to read into them, as it is read heav- enly in them and not humanly, not earthly, and that is why the Scripture says: «When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?» Behold Israel, today it has been about the man’s faith, about the man’s faith in the Word of God, Who comes today to you by your faith, loved people by God. That is why, you are loved by heaven and by saints and angels, faithful Israel, as God gave you the gift of faith and made you to do His will on the earth, His will before Him, to be His way for His second coming on the earth, the second time, for the redemption of the body and soul, well Israel well, as God made the man to have him forever. Amen. The people are fallen by their wisdom, and you have the Lord as wisdom in your mind day and night, and you are happy in the Lord, and the Lord in you, as it is written: «Blessed is the man who does not sit in the counsel of the unfaithful, nor stands on the seat of the blasphemers, 1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. 1