The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 11

1996.12.04 has nothing but God as wealth, happiness and peace. Oh, it is shameful for the Christian to say: „I can no longer go on, Lord!” It is shameful for the Israel’s son of today to say: „I can no longer go on, Lord; help me as I can no longer go on under my burdens!” It is shameful after so much comforting, after the Lord’s so long abiding with Israel. And it is better to say: „Help me, Lord, to do Your will, so that I may not suffer anything and to be blessed in everything that you send me to do and to bear”. Oh, Verginica, your people is blessed; it is poor in spirit and possessions and it is happy, as the poor man is happy, but not the wretched man who makes troubles to himself of his own sins, but the poor man who is poor to the world and to the spirit of the world and to the gold and silver and to the earthly name, as blessed are those who have their names written into the Book of Life, Verginica. The priest who delivers the liturgy does no longer live the pain of my Son, the pain from His birth and until His ascension into the Father. Oh, it hurts me what I see in the churches; the pain of my Son hurts me within myself, as I had carried the pain of my Son in me all my life. No one cries over the death of my Son any longer; no one knows to live the Liturgy any longer, the remembrance of my Son, and the world does not know what a holy Liturgy is, as there is no one to tell it to the word. I have come into your book as a guest, Verginica, to speak the love and the pain of my Son with you, the One Who suffers from the lack of love. He, who loves, is not loved, and he suffers loving, as the love is a sufferance and blessed are those who cry and suffer loving, as they will be soon comforted, soon, Verginica. Oh, they will be comforted soon, soon. Amen. − Oh, mother Virgin, loved Virgin among the virgins! Who taught me to love your Son, my Lord? Did the priests really teach me? Not at all! For when they heard that I have your Son, they persecuted me; they oppressed me and put me into prison with your Son. (See: The Life of Saint Virginia, r.n.) I was wretched, and your Son found me crying and made me happy; he made me a happy poor, as I had Him as my happiness. It happened to me as in your time with the little Child, when I had no room with your Son in the church, and I hid myself into the world with Him to protect the life of your Son and His word and His people, to which He gave life by His word, for the priests and herods did not cease to look for the Lord’s life, the life of the little Child, Who was being born of me to shepherd; however, no one needed life, and the Lord hid Himself with me into the world, loving and waiting for His time, to come as a word and to give freedom to the people. The people are slaves to the sins and are not free, and the Truth came to the people to make them free, to take away the slavery from them, and the people do not understand this. The comfort came on the earth to comfort those that are oppressed by sin, and many multitudes will soon be com- forted, soon. Amen. Oh, Israel, I had guests, son, and I liked to welcome the guests into my book and I gave them honor to stay speaking upon you, and I was comforted that you are so much helped, so much loved, my people, so much comforted in Jerusalem, in the Lord, son Israel. And I will come on my day of celebration as word upon you, as I gave all honor to the guests and to the feast with the Lord and with His saints, and I do not leave you to get cold. I will warm you up again and again with the Lord and His saints, so that you may not have time to get cold. Sons and daughters from Israel learn from Christ’s mother; learn from her teaching, as it was given power to you to love and to listen believing into the word of love, as everything is possible to the one who believes. Amen. Lord, I let Your word and the mother Virgin’s word to comfort Israel from my book. I let Your and Your mother’s comfort over Israel, and my book was the host of Israel’s comforts. Amen. 11