The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 10

for this is what I told those of Mine : « Love one another as I also loved you », becoming everlasting love for you , the loved ones . Amen .
− But who else , Lord , knows what love is , Your love in the man , Lord , the love of Your saints , who sacrificed themselves for You to be with You , Lord , with You , the One Who is their everlastingness ? Make Your people of today also know to be , loving You , as the saints before them also loved You , making many multitudes believe in You by their faith , by their love for You , by their testimony , Lord , the same as You also testify about Yourself upon the people with the sons of Your people of today , oh , Lord ! Now it is otherwise , for it is You that testify about them , and not they testify about You , as Your time has come , the time of Your feast , the time of the love , Lord , Your time , and Your greatness is high , Your word is great , the time of Your love , Your time , Lord , as I would no longer want to tell you anything before my people when you are the sweet word , so sweet upon it . First , the man has to love and then to listen , as he cannot listen to You otherwise , for You become love in Your sons , to make them listen to you and to love You as the saints loved You testifying about You . But You become testimony in Your sons , and no one knows as well as You know the love that You give them and which will be on the earth a root from You , as You also were a root of love from mother Virgin .
− Oh , Verginica , I told my Son and I told your sons , mine and His , that I will come into your book with my Son and with you and I will also become word beside your word , so that my mystery and yours may be understood ; the root of the sons then and now , yesterday and today , Verginica , my little sister , wooded by my Son , Who became love from you , word from you , as He became flesh from me , embodied love , Verginica , love from heaven embodied in man , as my Son came down from heaven and became flesh from the Holy Spirit in the Virgin and He became Man , the Man of the heavenly love on the earth for the man . I gave birth to my Son in the Bethlehem of Judea , so that the salvation may come from the Jews , and you gave Him birth as word in Romania , so that the Redeemer of the Jew may come from Romania ; the Jew who did not accept the salvation coming out from his root , from his people , Verginica , and I took my Son and went into the world to hide him in Egypt , in the world , Verginica , to save the life of the world ’ s Savior . Behold , neither then , nor later and nor today , do the Jew and the Greek and the pagan see what salvation is , at the word of my Son , as the man has no mind , Verginica , and my Son has also hidden today in the world to call the world to Him . I could not hide in Israel with Him , as Israel wanted to take the life of the little Child that was written into the prophets about that He would be born on the earth . The priests and herods did not want the life of my little Child and rather they wanted His death . Behold , you also could not hide into the church with the little child that was being born giving birth and speaking over those who are born of the word .
The church liturgies remind and speak of everything the people did to my little Child , my Son , and the priests , who deliver the liturgy , persecute the little Child as then ; they persecute my Son from the church , and they persecute the Word as then , Verginica . And as those in the that time of the church did not know what they were doing , the same is today as the priests do not know what they do ; they do not know that they speak of my Child persecuting Him , Verginica . Oh , you lived the same , persecuted because of my Son , Who was being born as word in you to give birth to the man of the word , and behold , you gave birth to a son , a people , from His word , Verginica , and God gives him to eat of His throne , and the Lord shepherds the nations with an iron staff , with the word of my Son , and no one knows to understand God , and no one serves Him , and no one warms Him up , and only the poor man loves my Son , the Word , Verginica . The happy man does not love God , and behold , the happy man is the poor man ; behold , that one is happy . Oh , blessed is the poor , Verginica , as that one loves God . It is not the one who says : „ I can no longer go on , Lord , under troubles !” It is not about that wretched man that I speak , but about the blessed man , who