The Word of God in Romania 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the C | Page 12

1996.12.04 − Verginica, this is what I said to My people today: oh, children and little children of the Spirit and of My body, I would stay with you forever. I would make day from night, I would stop the time; I would always stayed with you and love you, and I would love you and would make love to you until I make you love Me as much as I am in love with you, as My Father loves you and He is in love with you in Me, and the lovers would never separate again, for they feel how the eternity seizes them and feel the joy seizing them. This is how the Father is in love with you, and I am the eternity and the joy of My Father. I am the One Who embraces you making My Father to rejoice in Me. From cradle to cradle I swing with you between heaven and earth and I want to make from you Prince Charming and fairies and to show you the true story, and to be with you, power and love not fairy story, but rather to be the truth in you. I have been taking care of you from cradle to cradle; I have written Myself with you from book to book, so that the times may look to this time, at My time with you. You are My last church, My house of guests on the earth. You are those comforted in Jerusalem, in Me, your Jerusalem, your place of comforting; you in Me, and I in you, New Jerusalem from heaven on earth, for there where I am you also may be, for the place of the man made by God is in God, the One Who made man according to His image and likeness, a dwelling of the Lord in man, and of the man in God. Amen. − Oh, Lord, Bridegroom of Your bride, stay a little while longer; let us stay a little while longer to teach the children to work with the spirit of foreseeing in their work with us, in their good work with us. I want to speak to the children that are full of worries in Your work with them, to have me in them, as I want to teach one of the children of Israel to look back well, to secure under a good guard those before them and to stay well into this heavenly word, loving and listen- ing, as in order to listen they must first love him for listening, and the children from the garden of Your word must be obeyed. Let Israel listen to them, Lord. I am the watch of Israel and of the garden of Your word, and I have always taught the children of the garden for a good watch, and I come to tell them how to work. I also work in them without the word written into the book, as there are many things to be worked, and they are word from word, and let him, who has ears to hear, hear with them. I have a little child with a big heart, and I want to get him used to be gentle and humble with his heart when he loves, as he loves our children, Lord, and I want that his love to have a good answer; to have a state pleased to heaven, as now he learns, he studies and learns and gives himself over, to be a gift to You, Lord. Oh, little children anointed in the garden, I will turn you into my speaking upon the one that I sent you as word, to make you word upon him, and I am in you when you speak upon him the word of foreseeing, seeing ahead of time, and he will be used to think heavenly, obeying with love, and loving with obedience. Take care of the speaking from Israel, and let it be salt; to be with truth, to be from heaven and to match with the word of God, and only this way you should do the work of Israel. Give the health of the word from you; give it also to those who love my speaking. Let Israel’s speaking be like mine, like the Lord’s speaking, sons. Let the work of Israel be like the Lord’s work. Let Israel’s obedience be like your obedience, and let Israel help you by listening to God. May my word be blessed with you upon the one who hears my word from you as exhorta- tion! Amen, amen, amen. 04-12-1996 12