The Word of God in Romania 1995.10.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of devou | Page 4
down and all were dipping their morsel in the dish leaning for each bite. They were sitting at the
table and getting up with prayer and with thankfulness, and then they were taking the little dish to
hang it on the nail, and they were speaking about God and with God, and God was with them on
the earth. And I became man and I went into their house to be their family man, and they received
Me, and I slept with them and ate with them, and I rejoiced over them with the Spirit of God into
their house and in their living. And there came a bad weather over their house, over their heart.
The evil spirit did not rejoice over My marriage with them and plotted a temptation and took Me
out from their house, as one day a rich man from their village knocked at their door and asked him
to go and help him with his work, saying that he would pay him for his help. And he, a gentle man,
went to help the one who asked him, and then he saw how the rich man lived and what he had into
his house. And when he finished his work, he took his pay and went home and told what he saw
at the rich man, and he went with the money and bought a better bed, more beautiful and softer,
and replaced their bad from the house with it. When I saw the warmth of their heart for the good
and new bed, I felt deprived of their love and I was shy, and I did not go to bed with them, because
they had another joy. I stood by their new bed and they cuddled against each other and rejoiced,
and they said that God helped them. And then he went again and worked and bought a bigger and
more elegant table and put it into the midst of the house, and I drew Myself aside. Then they also
brought tools and other things and their house was filled out, and I drew Myself near the door.
They asked Me saying: „Lord, why do you not sit on the bed, on the chair, on the chest? Why do
you stand by the door?” And I replied them that I did not have any place, and that is why I did not
sit down. Their joy increased for what they had and gathered. They worked and did what they
liked, and I went out aggrieved, and I had no more room as a family man into their marriage. They
did not feel My pain, and they always said: „Lord, we thank You because You helped us and You
gave us so many things to have”. I let them choose their love, and they chose the self-love. From
then on I had been so small into their hearts, smaller and smaller, and they used Me only for their
first custom to thank the Lord for everything. This is how the man remains orphan of God. This is
how the man remains alone in his spirit, getting his human courage up, losing the fear of God and
the love of God, the most valued wealth among riches.
Oh, My people, how beautiful it was for the man that gathered together near his small table,
on his knees around it. The man was like a bird, which lifts up its head after it swallows the water,
thanking God. The man was bowing down with his body, kneeling down for each bite, thanking
the One Who gave it for living. The man kept his little dish on the nail, as a sign of respect for the
holy thing, as the dish was a holy object, on which the man broke the bread and put the food from
God. That man was not a primitive man, and he was a holy man, and he had God as wealth,
and he was rich in grace and word. But no one has God today by grace any longer. There is no
more room in the house of the man for God. That is why I brought you up, new Israel, and I taught
you to turn back to Me and to take Me into your house and into your life, and to take Me into your
garment to warm Me up, as I love you so much, you that have Me today. Seek My people to work
what I worked, and not to work what the man works, as the man, you saw what I told you, does
one thing for himself today, tomorrow he does another, and he forgets what he has to know and to
It is a great bustle on the earth, My people, and you are not wrapped up in grace and you
can no longer go on with the man on the earth. The man of today is tiring for Me and for those
who are with Me; he is heavy and stiff-necked and does not know to let himself helped by the one
with a clean grace and with clean hands. I have compassion on you, My son, when I see that the
spirit, which comes from the man, puts pressure on you, but we have to resemble to each other,
son, and to finish what we have to sow, so that no body may said that I did not knock to be opened