The Word of God in Romania 1995.10.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of devou | Page 5

for Me . This is how I also was , suffering among the people , but I had to work what I had to work for . Make , son , a shelter of My word for you , and come to fruition under this shelter . Fulfill quickly the word that I bring to you , as he , who does not fulfill it , is called unfaithful in My word . Oh , there comes a storm and a thunderbolt worked by God for everything that is without God . See that you have nothing within your boundaries ; you should not have something that the fire is drawn to . ( See the selection topic : „ The apocalyptic fire ”, r . n .)
Israel oil your posts with obedience , son , and do go any longer along with the man from the world , near the sons of destruction , which works out only destruction over the world . The man works to his destruction day and night and he does not know what he is working at . But you , be awake waiting for Me , as I put you under a shelter , if I see you watching , watching in the middle of the night , asking in the middle of the night . But you should not ask Me for riches and worldly things , and you should not ask Me humility , obedience , love and bread from heaven , but you should ask Me holiness instead , as I have those that are everlasting ; however , you should also be careful , very careful not to put two cattle of different kind in a yoke , as God does not allow you to do so .
I always teach you . Do not be upset , son . What else should I give you ? I give you teaching to be a wise and wakeful son . You should not buy fire for you , Israel , My child . Did you see how the world buys fire on packet ? The world smokes ; everyone smokes and has fire that is bought . See that you know what it means to buy fire . You shall not buy anything that is made of fire , so that you may not take after the world that smokes . You should buy only holy things , Israel ; to have only holy things in your house and on you ; holy and humble things , so that you may not take them to your heart and forgive the One Who loves you from heaven , for I want to come with the whole heaven and to stay with you on the earth , My people . The earth is made by God , not by man , and the man filled it with sin and took possession of it , but I will start to take it out of the slavery and I will sanctify it , and I will start with you , but I tell you that I have already started . Little by little , but I have started . Little by little , as I am not rich in gold and money , and the man asks Me to pay him , and to take back everything that I made . The worldly man does not deserve to rule the God ’ s earth , but you , who love Me , you pay to the worldly man even for the light of the day , as if he gave it to you , as if he was God . But I made great promises to you , only for you , My people , to listen to Me , so that you may arrive at the city to which will not travel by car or by train or by plain , but you should travel on your foot , on your pace together with God instead .
Oh , rich people in promises , be careful , so that you may know their time , as Israel did not know when the time of the promises made by My prophets came . Be skillful in wisdom , as I promised you all that the man has not had by now . Little by little , I come with those I promised , but I want to find you full of love , loved people . Behold , I gather you together and I work upon you as a gardener works out his field . I work you out Israel , to produce fruit . I dig you , I rake you , I water you in due time , I warm you up and I want to gather you in My lap , in a kingdom of heaven on the earth , as I have a kingdom in heaven , but now I make it on the earth , so that I may pass the earth into those that are God ’ s holy things . Amen .
Behold still a little patch of land . I come down now with heavenly guests , with heavenly bishops , with heavenly water , with heavenly anointment , to oil this patch of land , to be for heaven . I take My children from the garden and My people and mark down with blessing this little clod of clay .