The Word of God in Romania 1995.10.27 - The Word of God at the Feast of devou | Page 3

the earth to the nations , so that the earth may be Christian , for Christ was proclaimed everywhere by those who remained Christians in Israel . I will have mercy of Israel , for by its collapse you have a place next to Me , but pray so that he may walk up and look at you , the one who are with the Son of God , and to take Me as heir from the Father to utter his forgiveness . Amen . Pray Israel , pray for Israel , the one after the flesh , for it has carried the name of God on earth , because out of its people the faith in the Son of God , the sent One , sprang out .
It is a great war on the earth , as great as it has never been since ages and as it will never be . What war can be greater than the war that is not seen and works at its ease ? As behold , Romania , you too , do not know how enslaved you are ! You are enslaved , daughter , and you do not wake up to get rid of the enemies . No one wakes you up to fight , as your watchmen sleep , and you are enslaved . Until now they used to come with weapons and troops of war ; the Turks were coming , the Germans were coming , the Huns were coming , the Tartars were coming and you were seeing them and you were getting up and chase them away when you could , and when you could not do it , you were paying them a tribute of slavery until I was stretching out My hand to take you out from under the stone . This is what I did , but today you do not see the enemy any longer , as it is an invisible war , and the enemy sucks even your soul , not only your body . Now the weapon is the money , and the foreigner deceives and buys you with the money and defiles you by what he gives to you and poisons your breath , and you do not know what you eat and what you drink on your money . You are full of enemies , My love , and you can hardly breathe , as I am your soul , carried by those that love Me . The foreigner has taught you only lies in schools , and you do not know the story of your kinship anymore , as your kinship from the beginning was pleasant to God and not left behind , and the new man of the time came and gave the name primitive to the one of old . But what is this word primitive ? This word is a lie . Oh , My people , that is why I was telling you that the school on the earth is not good , and behold , the one , who learned lies in school , still stands today in the name of justice , and I cannot clean the spirit of lying from the man ’ s bosom . There has never been a man more primitive than the man of today since ages , and it will never be . It has never been a man more orphan that the man of today on the earth , and it cannot be a greater war than the war of today . The Turk has been coming with weapons by now , and now he comes disguisedly and dyed , and he sucks and leaves satisfied , and he leaves only smoke behind him and only dirt of evil spirit ; moreover , he tramples under feet in a dirty and foreign way over the country of my choice .
Oh , My people , it is bad for the city that has no word of a prophet , as that one is under the sword , and there is no one to announce her ; it has no one to wake her up . But behold , My word will prophesy over the evil and lie and will wake up those that sleep with their sword stretched out above them with threatening .
The primitive man is the man that has not got God . If this word is true , behold , this is the meaning of the word primitive , as it is true the little story on earth about Me , the Lord , Who was a family man with a Christian and humble family , and this little history is not a parable , but it is a godly truth among the people , and only its example remained . I was the family man of the Christian family and I had a shelter in the house of the man , and it is said that there was a family of people that loved God . A man had a wife and two little children , and they were living very happily loving God . They built a little house , a shelter for bad weather , and they got into it and were living happily from day to day . They had a wooden bed on one side of the little house , and all were resting in it . They also made a little stove of clay to make fire in a cold weather , and they also has a little dish hanging on a nail , and they were taking it down and putting on it the little polenta and drinking and whatever else they had from God ’ s gift . And they were gathering around the dish kneeling