The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 9

Oh , My people , do not sleep at My word , Christian , as I want to see that you heard what I told you . You are blessed if you heard it , as it will be seen that you heard . There are some Christians who fall asleep immediately when I let My word upon Israel that gathered together for My word . Some sleep with their soul , and hearing they do not hear , and they eat for nothing . But when the Christian hears from the world and from the science of the fallen nature , then he is awake and watches , and if you tell him that he is not with God , he says that it is not so , and he is with God . Listen to Me , My people , that it is not so to be with God . You are with God when you are an intelligent man , who distinguishes well the good from the bad , as today it cannot be better otherwise . Choose , son , the man who has got God , and follow his advice and believe him when he tells you about your evil step , and listen to his advice for your correction . A man of God has the spirit of righteousness , moderation and foreseeing , and do not take after the one that does not have it . The immoderate man cannot rely on himself not to speak of relying on someone else !
But I have a pain into your midst , Israel , as I see here and there that the one who does not stay well in Me speaks in you as well ; I see the one , who does not fulfill My today ’ s dwelling and life , that he gets into My work and a man like this staggers ; and such a man should stand on My left , as My thing on the right works to a full accomplishment , with foreseeing and moderation . You did not want My people , to be only with Me , and behold , I cannot put you to your work , and I keep you in the cowshed as lame as you are , as I have sufficient people that I cannot work anything with . And I come today with the entire heavenly host before you , and I come with the saints from the Synod that are celebrated into your midst , Israel , celebrated by Me and by you ; ( See the selection topic : „ Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan ”, r . n .) I come and give you the only one and heavenly commandment : « You shall love the Lord , your God , with all your heard , with all your soul , with all your virtue and with you your mind », so that you may know how to love your neighbor if you know to be My neighbor , as behold , you do no longer know to love your neighbor . And you do not even know who your neighbor is ; you do not know even this . I would give you this lesson too , but you would convict yourself even worse by it , as you still say like yourself and not like Me . Oh , if you are proud , Christian , you cannot even say otherwise . You say that you are better than I am , when I tell you not to receive the one who does not believe in God . Oh , how many times you have loved satan and said that you loved your neighbor ! How many times you have loved the evil and said that you have loved your neighbor ! You said that you are better and more merciful than I am , you said that you open to everybody . Open , Christian , to anyone you want , but you should know that your neighbor is yours and not Mine . Your neighbor takes after you and comes to you , not to Me . If you knew to love yourself and how to love yourself , only then you would understand how , how much and when to love your neighbor . If you love yourself more than God and you love your neighbor as yourself as well ; however , when you love your neighbor as God , this is about the way you love God . If I put aside the enemy of My kingdom and you are better and draw him on your side , then you take after you neighbor , who overthrows God .
My people , let your neighbor be the one who does God ’ s will , as you do not know to choose your neighbor . Let Me choose him for you , if you say that are with Me and with this work . Look at the way I do this work and its sons , and this is how you should also work , but do no longer take the one from My left to put him to My right . And if you take him , do not put him to My right , but rather put him to your right . Be careful , My loved Israel , and love the Lord , your God , Christian ; you shall love Him and not deceive Him , and do not undermine Him or make Him stumble ,