The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 8

were placed on the level of those that are faithful , to whom I may entrust the same work upon the people as Mine .
Behold , the rulers of the law , the experts of the law say that today it is not possible for God to speak . But who are they who say so ? I do not know these who do not know Me , who say that I am no more , who say that the Lord does not see , that the Lord does not hear , and that the Lord does not speak any longer . But I say to you : keep away from lying and from those things that spring out of it and use foreseeing in everything ; and use the Holy Spirit upon you , and do not use the authority of the man who says that the Lord is dumb , deaf and blind . Receive the spirit of foreseeing , receive the spirit of incorruptibility of the body and soul and strengthen yourselves in the Holy Spirit , children of this people . ( See the selection topic „ The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility ”, r . n .) Blessed is the man who received from God the work of the spirit of foreseeing , of seeing ahead of time of those that are worked , of those that have to be worked .
Dress properly with incorruptibility , My people , and after that you will see with your own sight that all creation that is seen will be incorruptible forever . Everything and all wait for you , as I put the man king over all when I created him , and I put him to give names to everything and to all , and I gave him the knowledge of the Holy Spirit . Everything and all wait for you man , to come into the incorruptibility , as all things of the seen creation speak with God : earth , water , stone , leaves , flowers , birds , fish and animals ; all sigh after incorruptibility .
Your people from the beginning , Romanian people , Christian people , was speaking to the earth and knew the language and the voice of the earth ; it knew the language and voice of the tree , of the spring , of the mountain , of the time , children ; it knew the language of the birds ; it knew the language of the horse ; it knew the language of the angel and it used to meet with God ’ s angel ; moreover , the man was speaking with all creation , seen and unseen ; he used to speak and understand its whisper , My people . The man used to speak with God , sons , and now here is what the man does : he believes in those that are made by man and does no longer speak with those that are created by God . But you should go beyond , My children , beyond those things of the man and of the world . Go beyond and keep away from the false prophet , who likens his kingdom to God ’ s kingdom to deceive the sons of the people , even God ’ s sons .
You should not seek the outside world , and walk before Me this way , as I want , My people , to put upon you the Scripture , which was proclaimed by My speech saying : « Do not be anxious saying ‘ What will we eat ?’, ‘ What will we drink ?’, or , ‘ With what will we be clothed ?’ For the gentiles seek after all these things . Your Father knows that you need all these things . But seek first God ’ s Kingdom and His righteousness , and all these things will be given to you as well ». Sell your wealth and then watch with Me for a while , a moment , My dear . Test Me and you will see that your Father knows that you need all these . But if your Father does not know that you need all these and He lets you work hard , than it means that you do not know the Father , so that the Father may take care . I told you that the gentiles of the world seek after all these , but not God ’ s sons ; the gentiles seek after them and work hard to do them , but God ’ s sons do not seek after them , because the Father is adding all things they need .