The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 7

1994.06.26 And now I tell you what the reparation was made through; it was done through Me, the One Who raised the shame and curse that came through their sins; through Me, Who dwelt in the body of their human offspring to redeem Israel and Judas. If the sons of Eli, the priest, did so much evil before God and died by their wicked deeds, I did not wanted this way, but the man worked so. It was not to raise Samuel that I worked to choose Samuel, but I raised Samuel to repair their mistakes. If the sons of Israel had so much unbelief before God, it was not to be so, and I had suffered for Israel; and until My incarnation from the Father, I had suffered with My Father and with the Holy Spirit, before and after, as Israel had not let itself until he denied Me. And I want to redeem him now through you too, he one that was denied Me. You should no longer say; at least you should no longer say that if this was not, the other one was also not, and you should rather say that this is a human interpretation. I do not tolerate sin; I do not take sin as a shield, and you should also not do this, My people, rather be wise and do not seek to interpret the man’s things, but rather interpret those from heaven that I have been bringing to you for forty years. If Abraham made a mistake as a human, his mistake received its reward and its body, and Abraham’s justice received its reward and its promise. The same is with you, Christian; if you were haughty and lustful near Me, I let you be caught by the seduction of the fall and its darkness, as I could not interfere within your ego, within your pride. I do not partake in your sin, in your pride, in your ego, and I let you fall down, to see what it means to call yourself a god, to make you another god beside Me and to worship it. God is only One, but when you try to pose as God, you come to see that you are not and that I have not interfered in your pride. And when you start to lie powerless, comfortless, then you try to get up alone and to knock again at My door. Then I search you to see if you came with total repentance and pleasant to Me, and if you are totally corrected and healed by repentance, then I open the door wide and I take you inside with Me, but if you remained half with death and half with you and if you come to Me only halfway, then I do not open for you, no matter who you were. Or, if looking forward, I will see that you will go back again to the bad things after coming back to Me, then I also stop receiving you with Me. Behold, Israel, My judgments, a forethought born of My own self. If the man goes wrong within his mind, his word or his deed, then he receives the punishment according to his mistake; either by his neighbor, or by his enemies, or by his stranger; a deed for a deed. But if the man goes wrong outside his body, is also punished according to his mistake, by the mistake itself; but when the man sins within his body, then the man demolished God’s temple from his inside, and then the pride, the fall, the sin and devastation take place. And when I see that the man goes to church, and that he goes to those that are holy, he goes there without repentance and still says that this is how God let it to be; woe, until when shall I really endure it any longer? Well My people, pray to God for the spirit of wisdom upon the man, son. The man does not know what it means to be a faithful man, and he says that he is faithful. Oh, until a man is confirmed by the Lord that he is faithful, he has a lot of work to do, My children. First he needs to have a calling to Christ, and after the work of calling he needs to be elected to the work of those that are chosen for the work with the heaven, and only after that he receives the name of the faith- ful. The man does not know what it means to be faithful, and look how few are the faithful! Behold how few they are into your midst, Israel, My people! As some of you remained at the level of those that are called; then a little group was called on to the level of those that are chosen, and very few 7