The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 6

Me , as then I had twelve disciples and I raised huge multitudes through them , but now I have a greater number of witnesses , and I want to raise to heaven all the nations , as I promised to Abraham .
Oh , My people , how many times I have told you to eat clean and blessed food , food made by you , as you are blessed on the earth ! How many times I have made you eat with clean hands , with hands washed away of the world ! But you had no way of getting used well to it , that you took again from those that were before , and you were given up and were eating again from the hand of the world ; bread made by unclean hands ; food foreign to your blessing . I have wanted for two thousand years to establish on earth the food from Eden , but few wanted to take after the ones from the clean beginning . The man has been eating meat for seven thousand years and he has not had his own fill of it . The man has been staying fallen for seven thousand years and has no longer got up to stay again for a new beginning . That is why I want to raise you , My people Israel , and to call you Israel in the place of the one that did not listen to God . The man has been eating animals and birds and bodies with breath of life in them , and he says that God let it be so . Oh , My people , I complain to you as well , for the man says that God made it that way ; he does not say that the man wanted that way , that the man made it so , and that God has had patience on him , and that He has still endured him for seven thousand years and blessed him the way he is since seven thousand years , only if My blessing may stick to him . What shall I do to him ? Shall I curse him ? But the man is cursed by what he does on the earth and over his body . Shall I also curse him ? I wait that My blessing My stick to the man , to stick to him from now on , as the age is coming to an end . ( See the selection topic : „ The End of the world and the Day of the Lord ”, r . n .) The age means man , sons , the age of the man , the time of the man , the will of the man ; this is what this age means . But the age to come does not belong to the man anymore , and it belongs to the man who became divine from sole to head , of the man born of heaven , of the new man , who is after the image and likeness of God , Jesus Christ , Who appeared to the people , and Who gave Himself for the redemption of the people who were to believe in Him .
I still hear some of the Christians saying that this is what it had to be , that if it had not been this way , it would have not happen this or that . This is a human interpretation , My people . Who , Christian , urges you to say so ; to make you also believe so ? That was from the man , not from God , that I , the Lord , do not partake in ; I do not take part in the world ’ s mistakes or sins . This is man ’ s work , no matter the man , as the man , however good he may be for God when he seeks to do something good , but from him and not from God , than the Lord lets him fall down from above , as he has nothing to do with such a man . He lets him fall down from heaven , to see that it is not possible to be done after man ’ s will and that the man has to be in the Lord if the man wants to be ; and if he does not want , that man is not , he is still not , and he still has until he gets up to be and to know God . You shall not think this way Israel , as behold , I teach you this significance today . God did not let it be this way . If Judas , one of the twelve patriarchs , had three boys , and if all his boys died because their wicked deeds before God , is it really that God let it be this way ? That Judas ’ offspring may die ? No , sons , but it was as they wanted ; it was not God that wanted this way ; the Lord did not want them to sin ; the Lord only repaired their sins and their perishing . And by what did He repair it ? You may say otherwise . Behold , I stand still and I ask you : by what did the Lord repair the sins of Judas ’ boys , My forefather ?