The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 5

I and not you , as you cannot give them what I give them . You give them what you have , and what you give them , do not serve them ; it comes to an end and they come to an end so . Behold , if you wanted to make them a future , both you and I would lose them . And the world took your children ; it took them with it ; it took them in it , and they are into the world , not among Christ ’ s disciples . There are few left with Me , and all that wanted to be with Me through you and from you , I want to make them bear testimony out of your midst Israel , My people . If you listened to what I have always told you , to keep your little ones as much as you can away from the roads of the world , from the teaching of the world and from the schools of the time , you would have got something for Me now , something more , son . Oh , and how much I have struggled for you , My people , and I urged you to heaven , only for you to choose the heavenly way !
The teaching from the earth is born of the science of the man ’ s nature , and the science of the nature is not a heavenly fruit , and no one can understand that this mash , this science , has a root foreign of those from heaven ; however , I have always told you : „ Keep away from the false prophet , who speaks of those that you are pleased with , that are from heaven ”. Not so , children ! As the man ’ s nature will remain fallen until My appearance in the clouds of the glory and for those that are coming from heaven , as the man does not want to work on earth as in heaven ; he does not want to learn in heaven , and he learns on earth . The man does not want to seek to enter the narrow gate , which is narrow by the lack of those who do not walk on it . But the wide way is broad because of the number of those who walk on it , and it is written : « Broad is the way that leads to destruction and many are those who enter in by it ».
Oh , everything grows under the rain of the heaven when I clothe the clouds with rain ; everything grows up : every flower , every branch . Only you , Israel , do no longer grow up under the rain of My grace ; you do no longer grow up once ; you do no longer come to fruition and you are still stunted in your growth , weak , very weak compared with what you had to work . You are weak , My people , as though My food has had no effect on you . Grow over , Israel . I am ready to heal you , to heal all of your body , all of your number that has been during My work for forty years , as you remained little in your body and number , and here is what I do ! I get up and call you to come back ; to come and listen to Me as My time requires during the time of this age , as the sons of this age marry and are given into marriage ; they eat and drink , ( See the selection topic : „ What defiles a man , what enters or what comes out of him ?”, r . n .) but those that are worthy to come in with My kingdom and with the resurrection from the dead of this age , shall no longer die , and they will be like the angels , the sons of resurrection , the sons of God . ( See the selection topic : „ Resurrection of the dead ”, r . n .) I am ready to heal you , Israel , no matter how big your number is , from the beginning of this work and until today , since 1955 and until today . Come to Me Christian , but do you know how this comes ? Why do I say to you : „ Come to me !”? Perhaps you say that you came to Me , but only you understand what you say , as I have nothing to understand . Come Israel to Me ; to Me and not to you . You should come to Me , not I to you . Come into heaven , and come with the heaven , as on earth it is a confusion of the languages , it is the fruit of the iniquity , but you come to be born of heaven , of the fruit of the holiness of soul and body , and make you disciples as I did , and come to work for those that will remain , My loved Israel .
Oh , My people , which gathered together today with Me , get up son and stay upright with Me , to gather together those that are scattered , Mine and yours , as many have wondered away through the wide way . Get up to the heavenly work on the earth , My people which remained with