The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 4

1994.06.26 what he did and condemned himself, and I forgave him, children, and I will lift him up and resur- rect him because your prayers My people, for I asked you to pray to Me for Judas, and you listened to Me and remembered Judas before Me, and your prayer was heard. I said that I knew the twelve ahead of time, and that My Father chose the bridegroom from Cana of Galilee to be among the twelve; and I went to take him to be My disciple, and I took him, and I counted the bride among those that served Christ and the kingdom of heavens. Children, I cannot interfere with blessing upon the wedding bed, as it is written about those that belong to Christ that they crucified their body and their lusts and are free from the law. A little butterfly is freer than man. It flies from flower to flower and rejoices that it is free. The birds of the sky are free both until they come into the eternity and afterwards, but it is not the same with the man, as the man is bound to the man until his death; the husband is bound to his wife and to his children and to his relative and to his house, and such a man cannot be a disciple of Jesus Christ; he cannot follow Christ. The apostles also had a woman with them but she did not belong to them but rather she was a disciple of Christ, because this is what God did from the beginning, male and female he made them, so that the woman might be a helper, as this is what We said: to make a helper suitable to him. When God created man, he created them, male and female, and then this body pulled itself out from God’s arm and did something else, and God did no longer multiplied the people, but rather they multiplied themselves and that is why the Lord said to the woman: «In pain you will bring forth children». When I created another man of one, Adam was not hurt at all, but when the man creates man, he gives him birth in pains, and he lives in pains and dies in pains; and woe to the man if the goes into pains as Judas did! The man is bound by the law; he has his kingdom and if I came into his house and told him: «Follow me!» the man would not be able to go as he is bound; he is not free to follow Me, and it is not possible with Me on the way other- wise. I cannot take with Me the man with his entire house, with his wife and his children, because into My kingdom is not marriage and given in marriage, but it is an angelic life in the body. I go far away and leave the man where he chose to be. I have no obstacles; a have no steadfast homeland, I have no father and no mother on the earth; I have no brothers and sisters out of the earth; I have no one but My heavenly Father, Who is forever, Who is master over everything, and I have you My people, who want to be My disciple; who want to be My father and father and brother after My will. Oh, and how shall I do to you, My people? As behold, not even after forty years of the word and exhortation upon you, can I take you to a disciple’s work; to go with the heaven and with Me from place to place, from time to time, until the visible coming down of the kingdom of the heavens on earth. Then it will be too late to go. Then the work will settle down on its foundation. Now it is to go and do the work of My kingdom. Your house and your wealth, Christian, should have been the kingdom of the heavens. How good it was that I gave you a house! I and not you, son; to have made your wives and children, spiritually, as I did to My disciples, for there were thousands who followed them. How good it was for you to have stayed into My plan and not spoiled My plan! How good it was if you wanted to take after Me more than to the world, My people! Is it not really better for Me to make you and those that came out of you a future? Is it not really better to make a future at least for your children? 4