The Word of God in Romania 1994.06.26 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all | Page 3

1994.06.26 mother from daughter; mother-in-law from daughter-in-law; brother from sister; Christian from the world, and behold, Christian from Christian, as not all the Christians denied the world. Let, those who denied the flesh and the world, come on My right, and let those, who cannot do this, not come to My right and not stay with those on My right. And the one who I put on My left you should not take and put him on My right, as that one is not good for My right. I said: «Love one another», and I did not say „Love one with another”. I said that there should be love among those that belong to Christ. I was speaking for those. I did not speak to the world something like this, but rather I told those that were not from this world. The love is not for the world, sons; it is not in the world. The love is not from this world, as I am the Love. If a man gives his own life to save someone else’s life, this is nothing. I gave My soul to the world and not My body. I crucified My soul, but it is hard for the man to understand the sacrifice of My love. Those that are of flesh, give their soul and body in vain for others, as it is not all the same, children. Why do you believe, Israel, that I tell you not to take after the false prophet, who match the earthly things to the heavenly love? Well, the kingdom from the earth, the one that is made out of the earth, has drawn everybody to it, and all were built in it, and all are left behind it, all those who put their hope in it, as from now on, My heavenly kingdom makes its way into its place, (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.) and you do not need the work of your body for it, but rather you need only wings for your soul and freedom, son. It is one thing to do some- thing into My name and another thing to do something into your name, as My love is from heaven and not from this world. I have come to take you out of slavery Israel, My people taken from the world, as I have taken you from the earth and lifted you up into the heaven; however, if I am close to you and into your midst with My voice, be wise about this. I am from heaven; I am with the heaven near you. This is how I wanted it; to go to My Father after My passion and after My resurrection, and to prepare a place, so that where I am, those that are Mine to be there too; they who will choose to be My disciples, who will come out of the slavery to be free and to be able to be Jesus Christ’s disciples. The man who is bound to a woman or the woman that is bound to a man cannot belong to Christ. That is why I told you long ago, My people, and I exhorted you to have your wife as your clean sister and to be My disciple, you and your entire house, and moreover, to be My people with all that you have, Christian, and to call yourself free; not to marry anymore; not to be given in marriage; not to drink anymore; not to eat as in the world, and to watch over what I have told you, as I told you not to say any longer as the world says, which says that this is how God wanted it to be. Oh, you should not say something like this My people. It is not as I wanted it to be. I went not in Cana of Galilee to bless the wedding and the wedding bed. It is not for that that I came from the Father. I went to separate the bridegroom from the bride, and this is what I did. I took out from under the law those that were ready to take the yoke of slavery. I had known the twelve before, as My Father told Me about them all, but you should not stumble if My Father gave Me Judas as well, although he was not good. It was written that I had to suffer and Judas had to fulfill the Scripture and to give Me over to the Pharisees for crucifixion. But I will forgive him as I forgave him at that time, but he was a fool as he went to stay in hell until My coming on the clouds of glory. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) He took alone his reward for his deed. He repented of 3